Vets Day 2015 is on our radar; please add to your calendar

Mayor Bill Brown tells us of some renovations taking place over at the Riverton War Memorial in time for the upcoming Veterans Day Observance on November 11.

Memorial sign2 5-2014 (1600x1600)As seen in this May 2014 photo, the decaying signage is among the least of the problems of the seven decade old structure.

Regular visitors here may recall the June 4, 2011 post in which we displayed a gallery of photos showing the construction of the Riverton War Memorial c.1946.

Various repairs and improvements to the grounds had been undertaken during its nearly 70 years of service, but increasing problems with dampness caused by a leaky roof prompted former US Marine and current Riverton Mayor, William C. Brown, Jr. to call for reinforcements to help make repairs.

Riverton folks, as is their nature, answered Bill’s call to arms… with hammers, and paint brushes, and cement… and went to work making repairs.

Bill sends this straightforward account of the undertaking, as is his get ‘er done, no-nonsense style.

  • Riverton Fire Department replaced the door and frame.
  • Steve Trotta repaired the roof and added an air vent, no charge
  • An anonymous donor retained Dennis Russell to cement and point the bricks.
  • I replaced the Riverton sign above the display window, and this week will stain and varnish the display area and mount the new plaques. The original names are now being transferred to the new plaques.
  • I am expecting a couple of additional names to be added on Veterans Day Nov 11, 2015.
  • On Veterans Day, there will be coffee and donuts at the Riverton School from 8:30 to 9:30, followed by a ceremony in the school gym.
  • Also on Veterans Day, the VFW conduct a ceremony between 10:30 & 11:00 AM at the War Memorial.

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Plan on coming out on November 11 and see the results of your neighbors’ efforts to restore the Memorial to a state befitting its solemn role in recognizing our veterans service and sacrifice.

If you know of a Riverton resident who served in the armed forces in time of war who is not named on the Memorial, and wish to have them listed on the Honor Roll, contact Robert Smyth, Chairman of Riverton’s Military & Veterans Affairs Committee 

Also, if you have any photos or hometown news clippings that we could include when we next update the Riverton Veterans Album, please contact me, John McCormick.

Finally, this next headline from this past September newsfeeds reminds us that veterans’ sacrifices did not end with conflicts in two World Wars, Korea, or even Vietnam, but continue during The War on Terror.

The Long Walk: 3 veterans, 3 dogs and a 100-mile journey to Ground Zero

Andrew Einstein (left) and Steven Walls acknowledge supporters who honk for them Tuesday during their "Long Walk," PHOTO CREDIT: Burlington Co. Times
Andrew Einstein (left) and Steven Walls acknowledge supporters who honk for them Tuesday. Their “Long Walk,” PHOTO CREDIT: Burlington Co. Times

On Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2015, Andrew Einstein, a Westampton police officer and former Marine, accompanied by his service dog Gunner, two other Marines and their canines, set out to walk from The Liberty Bell in Philadelphia to One World Trade Center in New York City.

They walked to honor their fallen brothers, Marine Cpl. John Thornton, killed in action on 25 February 2006, in Ramadi, Iraq, and Staff Sgt. Christopher Diaz, killed in action 28 September 2011, in Helmand Province, Afghanistan.

According to a press release, the walk was about stepping away from the normality of civilian life and confronting PTSD by taking a Long Walk and dealing with the issues facing Global War on Terror Veterans.

They arrived at the Freedom Tower ahead of schedule on 9 September 2015.

Their fundraising efforts helped establish a scholarship in honor of John Thornton and a donation to The Rocky Mountain Dawgs Project in memory of Christopher Diaz.

Einstein, lives in Riverton with his wife, Jillian, service dog and cat Ginger.

There is much more to this inspiring story than we can include here, but here are some links to places that covered it in more detail, including the group’s Facebook page and GoFundMe page. You know links can get broken or later require a subscription so persevere and try another if one does not work.

Read more: (includes 1min:15sec video)

Hope to see you on 11/11/15. – JMc

Published by

John McCormick

Teacher at Riverton School 1974-2019, author, amateur historian, Historical Society of Riverton Board Member 2007-2023, newsletter editor 2007-2023, website editor 2011-2023

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