Here’s a spring training appetizer to go with these 60 degree February days. Baseball season can’t be far behind. However this season dates back 91 years,
Sitting across from Sam Bishop last week at Mrs. Eleanor Tilmont’s 100th birthday party at The Breakfast Nook in Cinnaminson, he volunteered to give to the Society an old baseball team photo, if I would want it.
Would I?
(Insert your own wisecrack here)
He promised to drop it off at Riverton Library, and there it was waiting for me when I arrived to set up for our Research Your House meeting, February 23.
I am sure that somebody’s Pop-Pop is in there and they would be tickled to see Gramps back in the day, but all I have to go on is the names written on the photo. (Click on it to get a bigger view; click on that again and you can get closer in on faces and writing) If you have a suggestion, please leave it below and I will update the photo with names later. – JMc