Hey, kids, raise your hand if you remember dealing with any of the businesses advertised on this June 6, 1932 New Era Business Directory.

Now, for extra credit, how many businesses listed there are still in operation?*
Businesses have come and gone over the years, but let’s not let COVID-19 be the reason that a local business can no longer thrive.
We all long for those times when we could patronize local stores unencumbered by masks, counter shields, and social distancing.
We look forward to June 15 when most — but not all — nonessential retail businesses in New Jersey will be allowed to reopen with shoppers inside stores; capacity will be limited to 50% and both customers and employees will be required to wear face coverings to protect against the coronavirus.
We thank all of the essential businesses that have opened under difficult circumstances.
We urge you to show your appreciation to local businesses by helping them to recover from the shutdown and again prosper.

*Yeah, you got it.
Schwering’s Hardware has endured depressions, recessions, wars, and now a pandemic! Steve and Suzanne Schwering will celebrate the absolutely essential establishment’s 100th birthday in 2022.