Eighteen years ago, our mailing list included over 150 member households plus another 27 historical societies, institutions, and libraries to which we mailed complimentary copies.
Fewer than 90 households currently support the efforts of the Historical Society of Riverton with their membership, and that diminishing support has necessitated some changes.

We went paperless over two years ago because the time and expense involved in printing, stamping and stuffing envelopes, and mailing newsletters became burdensome and expensive.
One advantage: The current online format issues are not limited to four pages in length as the print versions were.
The online format offers the ability to include bold print links that direct to additional supporting content.

Most images enlarge with a double tap on your phone or double-click with your mouse on a computer. Try it⇒
When printed, the current issue takes up 15 pages, a length that is not practical to print and mail. The savings effected with the online format allow us to direct our limited resources to create an awareness of our heritage, programs, and our preservation efforts.
Nonetheless, we hope that you continue to find articles that inform with the same enthusiasm found in that first issue published 194 issues and 48+ years ago.
Yikes! Just dawned on me that a third of those happened since 2007, when I became editor. (I guess that counts as a humble brag.)
Here are instructions for how to print anything from the website.
Open the page you want. Right-mouse click to open the drop-down menu and choose print.
-JMc, Ed.

Please express your concerns below in the comments or go to the Contact and Membership tab.
Thank you you and the Historical Society who encourage us to remember who Riverton is. A lovely , charming community with lots of history and we should value that . Instead of tearing down beautiful homes for profit.