Support the Historical Society of Riverton!
We are all volunteers and your generous donations help us do many things for Riverton:
And your donations do much more …
- Create professional digital scans of our Archives holdings
- Hold unique programs by out-of-town presenters
- Promote scholarships and other awards to generate interest in Riverton history among our young people
We are a registered 501(c)3 charity and so your donation may be tax deductible!
Two easy ways to contribute:
Use a credit card securely or see below for how to send us a check.
Contribute securely via Credit Card:

The process is secure, and you will receive confirmation of your payment. By donating you confirm your willingness to receive periodic emails of interest (you may unsubscribe at any time).

Or you can donate via check:
Please download and print the HSR membership form PDF found here.
- Fill it in. Or, just write on a piece of paper – your name, address, email address, and phone.
- Enclose it in a stamped envelope with a $25.00 check payable to The Historical Society of Riverton to the address below.
Historical Society of Riverton
P.O. Box 112
Riverton, New Jersey 08077