Gaslight News – December 1974

The Historical Society of Riverton organized June 1970. Betty Hahle, the newsletter editor in May 1980, wrote at that time about the origin of the organization:

Did you know that the Historical Society of Riverton is exactly 10 years old? Mrs. Frank Lockhart (Betty) had written a letter to a local newspaper, inviting anyone interested in forming a Historical Society to meet to discuss it. On June 4th, 1970, 54 persons attended the first meeting, held at The Porch Club , and voted to form such an organization. Lloyd Griscom gave a talk on the area, and enthusiasm was high. Subsequent meetings were arranged, held at different places, a constitution adopted, officers elected. First president was Mrs. Lockhart, followed by Mrs. Lenore Probsting, then Mrs. Marilyn Colozzi, and, currently, Mrs. Betty Hahle.

Later, in the February 1986 issue, Mrs. Hahle described how the newsletter came to be.

The first one was a single page, written by Marilyn Colozzi who was elected president, in response to a decision voted on by the Board. The name was chosen from several suggested, and although that first copy is undated, it would seem to have been sent out in December of 1974.

The group gave the designation “Copy 1” to that very first HSR newsletter.

Click here to view issue #001 Gaslight News December 1974

Published by

John McCormick

Teacher at Riverton School 1974-2019, author, amateur historian, Historical Society of Riverton Board Member 2007-2023, newsletter editor 2007-2023, website editor 2011-2023