Even though this publication does not indicate it is a newsletter, it seems that it probably is the 6th newsletter for several reasons, namely:
1. The date of October 28, 1976, fits the sequence between Copy 5 and Copy 7
2. Addressed to Members, the content serves the purpose of the newsletter
3. We know that HSR President Marilyn Colozzi wrote the first newsletter; She signed only this #3, #6, and #7.- The purpose of this one seems to be to kick off another season of meetings, programs, and activities.
- The call here for the first meeting on November 9 would seem to suggest that same date for Copy 7, the next newsletter.
- Pleading for members’ support was a constant refrain then, as now. “Only you, the members, can keep the Historical Society of Riverton in good running order. We need your support!”
Click here to view issue #006 Gaslight News October 1976