One thought on “Hotel Merten, 5th Ave., Asbury Park, NJ [800×517]”

  1. 404 5th Avenue, Asbury Park was the home of Theodore Russell Davis (1841-1894), campaign artist for HARPER’S WEEKLY during the Civil War from 1879 to 1894. At Asbury Park he designed the WHITE HOUSE PORCELAIN SERVICE during the Rutherford B. Hayes administration, and designed two battle panoramas (50 x 400=20,000 square feet that were housed in their own rotundas which were 16-sided polygons) , BATTLE OF ATLANTA and BATTLE OF MISSIONARY RIDGE & LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN for William Wehner(1847-1928) of Chicago-MIlwaukee and later Santa Clara County. I am biographer of Theodore Russell Davis and seek his LOST CIVIL WAR SKETCHBOOKS, DIARIES AND JOURNALS, which would be considered a NATIONAL TREASURE.

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