2 thoughts on “la-weikman-new-era-christmas-issue-1909-p5-copy”
This is my great grandfather’s company. My mother’s name is Lois Gertrude Weikman Ellis. Her father was Clayton A. Weikman. Could I have a copy of this picture. I would be happy to make a donation. Working on my mother’s family history. Thank you Susan Ellis Yorston
Hi, Susan
Glad that you found us. I sent you a separate email with the digital images that you found on the website. They are big enough to see on a computer or smartphone. If you save them to your computer, you can include them in an email. If you meant that you want a physical paper photo, that will take some doing. Let me know.
John McCormick
This is my great grandfather’s company. My mother’s name is Lois Gertrude Weikman Ellis. Her father was Clayton A. Weikman. Could I have a copy of this picture. I would be happy to make a donation. Working on my mother’s family history. Thank you Susan Ellis Yorston
Hi, Susan
Glad that you found us. I sent you a separate email with the digital images that you found on the website. They are big enough to see on a computer or smartphone. If you save them to your computer, you can include them in an email. If you meant that you want a physical paper photo, that will take some doing. Let me know.
John McCormick