On Sunday morning, May 29, 2011, a gathering of Riverton folk assembled at the War Memorial on Main Street to witness a ceremony complete with honor guards and gun salutes in which the Honor Roll swelled by the addition of over thirty new names. The spirited crowd clapped appreciatively for each and every veteran as President of Borough Council Bob Smyth read the names aloud. Councilman Bill Brown began months ago by publicizing a policy change which has resulted in more veterans becoming eligible for inclusion on the monument’s plaques. The newly renovated grounds, brickwork, landscaping, and a warmly expressive crowd all joined to compose a perfect picture of Main Street, USA and express the sentiment of the day to veterans everywhere, “Thank you for your service.”
Here are a few pictures…. Send me some more, or add a comment/caption to these.
Click here to read a great article by Kristen Coppock, Staff Writer for the Burlington County Times, in which she interviews Mayor Brown who explains that this policy of recognizing veterans of other conflicts in addition to World War Two actually germinated seven years prior.
I found a folder in our HSR archives loaded with photos of veterans. I matched them up to the names on the Honor Roll and put together this virtual photo album. Click here to download the 36.4MB PowerPoint Slide Show. If you can add to the album with an old photo or a new one, please contact me. – John McCormick, Gaslight News Editor