Belated Antique & Collectible Event recap from Harvey and Phyllis

Reporting on the outcome of he March 19 HSR Antique & Appraisal Event is yesterday’s newspapers now, but I have an excuse.

I was otherwise occupied that day with using a video camera and projector to show close-up views of the items at Ron Shaffer’s table on the school’s screen. So no narrative or stills of that event by this web editor.

FullSizeRenderThis is way better.

HSR Board member Harvey Sklar later sent in this shot of wife Eleanor’s photo in the Burlington County Times.

Harvey posted his heartfelt reaction to the experience on his Facebook page…

The appraisers were amazing, not only knowledgeable but entertaining. It was a fun sunday and it was all part of …THE RIVERTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY….Such a small town with a large heart…TOTAL MEMBER DEDICATION….AND TOWN SUPPORT….I LOVE MY.RIVERTON. I HOPE WE CONTINUE TO DO THIS EVENT. THANK YOU RIVERTON

Whatta guy! He works to help a project and he thanks the town. No wonder he has so many FB friends.

President Phyllis Rogers summarized the activity in an email to Board members as follows:

Greetings HSR Board Members,

Thanks to all who did a great job with the appraisal event. The  appraiser Ron Shaffer did a terrific job taking his time and explaining each artifact. It was informative and entertaining. Nick Fratto from Anthony Jewelers also did an outstanding job. We had 3 hours of nonstop items being evaluated. The turnout could have been better in spite of our fantastic publicity which was everywhere. Thanks, Susan (Dechnik) for your efforts in this department. Thanks to John (McCormick), the items were displayed on the Big screen which greatly enhanced the presentation and for bringing over the mug display.

Thanks to Mike’s ( Spinelli) teacher organizational skills the line up went smoothly (and he generously donated all the soft pretzels and Tastycakes which we will freeze for the Bike Event). Thanks to Harvey (Sklar) for his assistance and to his wife Eleanor for  her set up help. Thanks Pat (Brunker) and Bill (Brown) for the help with the registration table and special thanks to Bill B. for donating the sodas which we will save for the Bike Event.

Nancy (Hall) did a great job serving the hot dogs ( my treat) and HSR member Sheila Hines for her cleanup efforts. I sure hope I did not forget anyone as you are such a great group to work with.

These are the great people who volunteer their time and give to bring the Historical Society of Riverton offerings to you. – JMc