Widely regarded as the most banal topic for conversation in the world, nevertheless, many people find themselves mentioning the weather every day.
Oscar Wilde declared that conversation about it was the last refuge of the unimaginative.
It is the default small talk topic. Even strangers discuss the weather. Looking back at past posts, I bring it up a lot.
On the phone to my friend across country or with my daughter on a business trip, I inquire, “How’s the weather?” And I picture it.
So, since I brought it up…again… The weather is a bit weird here in River City.
Picture this.
Brilliant sun and shirtsleeve temps in December and January have kept lawn mowers going here and coaxed spring bulbs from their dormancy.

The Delaware was just over the top of the river wall just after noon today (Jan.10). Those dark skies on the horizon brought more rain in the evening.
Winter lovers, take heart. The Polar Vortex is waiting in the wings. That should freeze the little heads off those daffodils. Since they only flower once a year they may not revive in the spring.
We’ll talk more then, my friend. – JMc