Our Society’s Annual Meeting is next Tuesday June 5th at 7pm in the Riverton Public School.
Please join us for a brief business meeting followed by the new Historic Riverton Walking Tour led by board members Pat Brunker and John McCormick. We will end our walking tour at Nelly Bly’s Ice Cream Parlor for refreshments.
Gerald Weaber will lead a companion tour for residents of Riverview Estates beginning at 7:30pm via van. We still need one other volunteer to co-lead our van tour.
Please call me at 856-786-6961 if you are interested in joining us for the Historic Walking Tour or wish to serve as a volunteer to co-lead our van tour with residents from Riverview Estates.

Gerald Weaber
Historical Society of Riverton
POB 112
Riverton, New Jersey 08077
To John McCormick:
I enjoyed the practice tour and got a lot out of it. I really like guide sheet design and layout, it suits the purpose very well. The architectural sketches and descriptions were a big plus. My only concern is that there is not enough space for some of the really good information that is available for each house. Having been on the tour and hearing some of the things I heard, I would be disappointed to find that many of those things were not included on my tour guide. One possible answer is to have fewer houses, each with more info, on each sheet and have 2 or 3 sheets per tour. Or have mix and match sheets for custom tours.