I finished the layout for an eight page expanded issue of the Gaslight News and 51 copies into our usual run of 230 copies our second-hand laser printer broke down, I think for the last time.
That used printer that I paid $100 for in 2009, sure doesn’t owe us anything, but paying retail prices for the type of homemade color editions that I had been cranking out of my own desktop publishing house just isn’t sustainable.
So I pared down the newsletter to four pages after I found out that getting the eight page issue printed in all color would cost over $500. A commercial print service will provide a downsized half color/half black+white issue. Look for it in the mail possibly by late next week.
Meanwhile, here is the digital version of the four-page January 2013 issue of the Gaslight News. A slip for your use in paying 2013 membership dues will be sent with the newsletter as soon I can get it out.
Posted here is notice of the January 31 HSR meeting (NOT Jan.24 as posted before) at the New Leaf. Costumed historical interpreter Alisa Dupuy presents, “A Young Queen Victoria.” Admission $10. Seating is limited. Please reserve your seat by calling President Gerald Weaber at 856-786-6961, or contact him at rivertonhistory@usa.com.
Here is a re-cap of the November presentation, “Christmas Past” by Jane Peters Estes. It did not make it into the scaled down issue.
Readers who have investigated the historical newspaper files: what newsbits, images, or information did you find that intrigues you? – John McCormick, Gaslight News editor