ANNOUNCING: “Back in Time” returns in Oct. and we added 38th IMAGE category

I recently received the note below from my bud, Will Valentino, of Palmyra Historical & Cultural Society.

Hope you had a great summer. ! Attaching a photo for your blog of a MILLSIDE FARMS half pint bottle I dug in my back yard in 2002 when I first moved here. Please let your readers know that BACK IN TIME , will return to THE POSITIVE PRESS in October after a brief summer sabbatical!

millside creamtopThe Millside Farms bottle is featured in the article which discusses historical artifacts found in your backyard and underfoot ! The half pint “cream top ” bottle is date / patented March 3, 1925! Probably not the healthiest of beverages chosen on a summer day to cool off I would think !

Look for the October issue of THE POSITIVE PRESS around October 8th in your mailboxes, at local stores and on line !

Back in Time graphic

Umm… I think autumn has arrived, Will. At least the leaves in Riverton think it has.

Speaking of making plugs for friends, check out the new Delaware River Bridge/ Benjamin Franklin Bridge category on our IMAGES page.

There you will find showcased 30 images related to that familiar span and a heart-warming story by a collector who tells of his connection to the bridge in A Small Metal Object Links Father and Son to an Event and Ignites a Passion for History.

Maybe you have a connection to the bridge, too. – JMc

Published by

John McCormick

Teacher at Riverton School 1974-2019, author, amateur historian, Historical Society of Riverton Board Member 2007-2023, newsletter editor 2007-2023, website editor 2011-2023

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