Speaking of roots…

Bill Hall holds up the huge Lippincott Family Tree with help from his wife Nancy, standing on chair.
Bill Hall holds up the huge Lippincott Family Tree with help from his wife Nancy, standing on chair.

As I delivered some mugs one afternoon that Nancy and Bill Hall had ordered , Bill offered to show me their Lippincott Family Tree.

OMG – I think it goes back to Adam and Eve!

Published by

John McCormick

Teacher at Riverton School 1974-2019, author, amateur historian, Historical Society of Riverton Board Member 2007-2023, newsletter editor 2007-2023, website editor 2011-2023

3 thoughts on “Speaking of roots…”

  1. Beautifully done! We just have it in paper (page after page, form) doing back to the Norman conquest and the Domesday book. We should see if our trees intersect! Adele and Steve Lippincott, Cinnaminson NJ

  2. I remember my grandmother, Audrey Lippincott-Platania, telling me about when she saw this exact tree at her cousin’s. It’s been in the back of my mind for 30 years. So glad to see it still survives! Love to see it one day. ~Jeanette Platania-Harper

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