After teaching for 38 years I still have homework; it’s just different.
If you are here, you see the result of one summer project – refreshing the website template. Still tweaking some bits, but mostly done now.
Among the self-imposed homework assignments I kept putting off was completing the captioning for a few hundred images on the IMAGES page.
Finished now, I moved on to something more diverting – posting a few dozen new… make that old, but new to the website… images in several categories.
Some were donated, others bought online, and for a few auctions that eluded me, I could only capture the eBay auction image.
Just choose the IMAGES tab and browse.
Philatelists among you will not want to miss a new chapter in A Short History of Camden’s Central Airport in Postcards and First Day Covers, 1929 – 1940, posted in the Camden Images section in 2013.
Scroll way to the bottom and find Part II: A Short History of Camden’s Central Airport in Postcards and First Day Covers, 1929 – 1940.
Those almost forgotten vintage postcards, family photos, and old newspaper clippings tucked away in attics and drawers still are the best sources for images about the Riverton of yesteryear.
If you have something you can find, please donate it or send us a scan. Recent requests for pictures include Klipple’s Bakery, The Sharon Shop, Woolston’s Esso, Palmyra’s bowling alley, Millside Farms, and others. – JMc
PS: Did you see the latest Gaslight News?