In the late 60s, I worked as a busboy, and later as a waiter, at Surf City Hotel and Restaurant. The veteran waitstaff of prior summers liked to warn us newbies, “If you think June and July are busy, just wait until August.”
Well, August is here, and half a century later, I imagine that Long Beach Island is still jumping. Since Google searches for images of the Jersey Shore often result in folks coming here to see many of the old postcard views we display here, we also get some questions which, frankly, we can’t answer.
Gotta share this one from a reader who asks,
Hello, Can you please tell me when Wida’s Hotel was built? Was it ever used as a hospital? Are there any supernatural occurances reported? I Love and Miss Wida’s. My friend and I did encounter something like a spirit – this is why I ask. Any info is appreciated. Thank you.
If anyone can weigh in on this issue with information or additional photos, please scroll down to the end of this article and leave a comment. -JMc