Five summers ago Carol J. Mann, a reader from Arizona interested in saving the Seaside Heights carousel found us when she searched online for images.
It was she who first alerted us to the effort to save the historic 1910 Casino Pier Carousel in Seaside Heights, NJ from being dismantled and parts auctioned off.
That August we posted two stories online, “Effort to save historic Seaside Heights Carousel gaining traction” and “Will the Floyd L. Moreland Dentzel/Looff Carousel come home to Burlington?” which may provide some context for what follows.
It was in that second post that Riverton’s Town Historian Paul W. Schopp provided the undated image seen below of that same attraction and we linked to Paul’s history and rare images of Island Park on Burlington Island (scroll about halfway down the page).
Recently, we heard from Joe Verderosa, a board member of the newly formed Seaside Heights NJ Historical Society, who told us of recent developments.

Mr. Verderosa writes:
I am wondering if you have any photos or information about the carousel that was located on Burlington Island Park in the 1920’s?
This is the only photo I have found of it.
We are restoring it over the next 2 years and building a museum for it.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Here is our new website: https://www.seasideheightshistory.org/
Readers, please contact Joe thru the above website if you care to support this restoration and preservation effort or can help him secure more information about the historic carousel. -JMc