Last week former US Marine, former Riverton Mayor, and current HSR President Bill Brown Jr. personally called upon local business owners and asked that they help get out the word by displaying a flyer. Results were super-gratifying and so typical of the support that our local businesses deliver.

The Riverton Military & Veterans Affairs Committee is renewing its efforts to identify Riverton residents who served on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States of America during a time of war and honor them during a special Memorial Day ceremony.

Since 1946, the Riverton War Memorial and Honor Roll, listing names of veterans who served in the US Armed Forces during World War Two, has stood on Main Street.

This 2013 post describes how a simple change to the eligibility requirement resulted in adding dozens of veterans’ names from post-WWII conflicts being added to the Honor Roll.

The Riverton’s Veterans Affairs Committee seeks to add more names to the memorial and is also interested in obtaining service photos of veterans, old military uniforms, medals, and military equipment.
If you landed on this page, you don’t need to find a store with a flyer.
To verify eligibility, you must present a copy of your DD-214 (discharge papers) or a copy of your military orders to Bill Brown at 215-805-7866 or
Thank you to Borough Hall, Nicole at The Early Bird, Juanita’s Mexican Cuisine, Guido’s Barbershop, Patty at Tillie’s Trinkets and Treasures, the Post Office, and Al at Milanese Pizza for helping us get out this important message. -JMc
Wonderful support from businesses.
Thank you for sharing this.