Growing up in the Wright family – SAVE THE DATE

Mark your calendars: Monday October 28, 2024. HSR is happy once again to partner with our good friends at The Porch Club of Riverton in their beautiful historic hall and take a time machine trip of reminiscences from the 1940s onward.

The Wright family is one of the most extensive and fascinating extended families in Riverton’s history. Remember the Showell family we profiled in our last blog post? Yep – the two families were joined by marriage in 1910!

The Wrights first settled here in 1887 when Philadelphia entrepreneur Charles A. Wright saw a Riverton house advertised for sale in a Philly paper. Having always admired Riverton as he passed on business trips on the steamboat, he grabbed at the opportunity. It was the house at 305 Bank Avenue (later moved to 102 Penn Street, where it still stands). He produced a large and energetic family here, who lived in various homes around town.

Our program will be presented by three great-grandchildren (yes, you read that right) of that man, Charles A. Wright:

  • Barbara Flach (Knight) Meyer
  • Lenore Wright (Showell) Layton, and
  • Doris Ellen (Showell) MacKenzie

We hope you can join us! No admission, just walk in. Refreshments will be served.

Published by

Roger Prichard

Roger is a board member of the Historical Society of Riverton, the Borough Historian, and the researcher and author of most of HSR's historical interpretive markers.

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