Summer Reruns…, our cover story, reprises recent website and Facebook posts so members without computers can catch up on things published since the last newsletter.
- President Bill Brown looks at the year ahead.
- See a recap of Dr. Daisy Century’s dramatic one-woman performance of “Meet Harriet Tubman” at last April’s HSR meeting.
- Save the Date for several HSR sponsored activities through 2018. The next meeting is at Riverton Library at 7pm on September 26. Carol Simon Levin will present The Life of Jeannette Rankin, America’s first female member of the US Congress in 1917.
- The Gift That Keeps on Giving summarizes progress on the Historical Marker Program and acknowledges Carlos Rogers for funding this effort.
- Thank You Notes acknowledge new members and express appreciation for gifts and contributions.
- Look for a 2019 Membership Form in the November issue. Members’ dues support the Society’s mission to preserve Riverton’s unique legacy.
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