Heather MacIntosh Huffnagle is a writer and graphic artist living in one of Riverton’s historic houses on Lippincott Avenue. She works primarily in watercolor and pen and ink and features Riverton in many of her works.
She earned a Master’s Degree in the History of Art from Williams College, a Master’s Degree in Architectural History from the University of Virginia’s School of Architecture, and attended the North Carolina Governor’s School in art as a high school student.
Most of her work is designed to illustrate stories for young people, but she also works on commission and has painted portraits, landscapes, and historic architecture. She is a member of the Historical Society of Riverton’s Board and worked in historic preservation advocacy prior to becoming a mother and freelance writer and artist in 2009. She is currently developing a series of illustrated environmental fairy tales, set in Southern New Jersey (mostly Riverton).

Follow Heather on Instagram. You can direct message her on Facebook.