1912 Stone Harbor Souvenir FolderThe gorgeous weather here in South Jersey this glorious Easter Sunday helps one remember those sunny summer days which lie just around the corner. By now, kids (and their teachers) are counting the days until the term’s end in June in anticipation of going “down the shore.”
Here are some newly acquired images scanned from a 1912 Souvenir Folder of Stone Harbor postcards. Find six larger separate images added to the Stone Harbor section of the Images page, bringing to 163 the total number of Stone Harbor images. As always, readers are invited to leave comments or send suggestions.
Find also the new category of Collingswood, NJ Images, just posted. There are 106 classic images of old Collingswood, many of which are of the rare “real photo postcard” type. My Baby-boomer friend who so very generously labored over scanning and sending these files across the miles reminisces,
The Grove, Knights Park, Collingswood, NJ – RPPC“Boy, do I have some great childhood memories from then growing up! Riding bikes around the block, hammocks on front porches, ice, milk, bread and coal deliveries, babyparades and fabulous Fourth of July celebrations and fireworks displays, climbing trees, playing baseball with friends, digging foxholes and playing soldier or cowboys, etc. I had a cocker spaniel, a cat, a rabbit, a turtle and fish. Post-war America, the Age of Innocence, Baby-Boom, age of heroes and radio broadcasts, no televisions yet, etc. We didn’t have a lot, but it seemed we were never left wanting for the necessities back then. Ah, a simpler time, I gotta believe!”
I invite you to leave a comment on a blog entry, an image page, a Gaslight News issue, on a Program page, or on our Facebook page, if you care to. Those of you with information or collections to share, please contact me so that we can make arrangements. – John McCormick, Gaslight News Editor