Just want to quickly touch base. HSR members very much enjoyed Kate Butler and Greg Cristiano’s March presentation on “Ladies’ & Gentlemen’s Accessories of the Past Victorian, Edwardian, and Depression Eras.” Sorry for the short notice, but they have a very appropriately timed new talk coming up in Sewell on July 11th called,”By the Sea: A History of the Swimsuit and Seashore Memorabilia.” All of the information is on the PDF where you’ll find the link with which to register, here.
I am working a post about Riverton’s recent July Fourth festivities so please check back for lots of still photos, some video clips, and as usual, some fascinating and little known Riverton history facts with which to impress and influence friends, neighbors, and business acquaintances. – John McCormick, Gaslight News editor
Dear Readers: Mrs. Susan Dechnik, HSR Board member and one of my former teaching partners at RPS, writes today’s entry to accompany all of the great photos that she took at our recent meeting. – JMcCormick
lady’s chatelaine style engagement card holder
Pres. Gerald Weaber introduces the presenters
Mr. Cristiano displays a pipe and two purses
Co-presenter Greg Cristiano sports a handsome bearskin coat and a former undertaker’s hat
a complete vintage bathing outfit
Ms. Butler models a hat fashioned from an entire pheasant
Ms. Kate Butler of Decotique.com
man’s bowler hat
Mrs. Elsie Waters brought her grandmother’s mesh purse
pipe and case
“bear” purse with compact could be attached to a belt
vintage button shoes
What can a purse tell about history or a hat about the man who wore it? Ms. Kate Butler of Decotique.com and Mr. Greg Cristiano, proprietor of Teardrop Memories.com, brought their eclectic assortment of heirlooms and collectibles to the March HSR meeting to show us. They shared their extensive knowledge of antique apparel in the informative program, “Ladies and Gentlemen’s Accessories of the Past Victorian, Edwardian, and Depression Eras.”
Ms. Butler’s collection included antique purses, millinery, footwear, and vanity collectibles. From handbags to hats and everything in between, including a Victorian-era bathing costume, Kate served up a richly illustrated account of how familiar objects changed through the centuries.
Greg Cristiano, Ms. Butler’s collaborator for the male portion of the fashion discussion, spoke authoritatively about mourning attire, mourning mementos, and men’s clothing items and accessories. Among other things, he brought a 19th century undertaker’s hat, a full-length black bearskin coat, and several unusual decorative mourning items constructed from the hair of the deceased loved one.
In the interactive part of the program the pair invited audience members to have vintage fashion items which they had brought evaluated. Often, the article came with a story connecting it to the owner’s relative, to which the presenters then added expert knowledge about the function and history of the piece. The lecture proved to be a fun and engaging way to relate to history and show how changing fashions and personal items can tell a fascinating story. Click here to download a video clip from the presentation. (It is less than two minutes, but it is a 102MB file.) – Mrs. Susan Dechnik, HSR Board Member