Summer solstice brings temps in the 90s as Riverton looks to the Fourth

Cover - 2016 July 4th Program
Cover – 2016 July 4th Program

In just two weeks, months of planning, prep, and fundraising by the tireless volunteers of the Riverton July 4th Committee will culminate with the arrival of the 119th Children’s Parade.

Part summer picnic, part homecoming, part testimony to patriotic pride, who doesn’t look forward to Riverton’s Glorious Fourth?

By now, Riverton households have received their July 4th Programs.

We hope you will frequent the many business and professional donors and appreciate the many patrons whose generous contributions continue to make this treasured tradition possible.

Even our own Society placed this ad with a not-so-subtle invitation to join.

Jack Hutton (left) and Clyde Hutton owned Hutton Chevrolet in Riverside, 1949-1969
Jack Hutton (left) and Clyde Hutton owned Hutton Chevrolet in Riverside, 1949-1969

We highlighted Mary Honeyford’s family photo used on the July 4th Program cover in our Nov. 2014 Gaslight News along with an ad we found in the April 7, 1949 edition of Riverton’s now defunct hometown newspaper, The New Era.

Hutton Chevrolet, New Era, April 7, 1949, p9
Hutton Chevrolet, New Era, April 7, 1949, p9

How many of you remember any of the car dealerships that once made their home in Riverton?

Here are two to get you started.

Oakland car ad, New Era, Jan 24, 1929
Oakland car ad, New Era, Jan 24, 1929
Olds ad, New Era, Nov 24, 1949, pg3
Olds Community ad, New Era, Nov 24, 1949, pg3







Finally, can you tell which 4th of July Showcase sponsor now occupies the site depicted in the postcard below?

During the recent Garden Tour and the Historic Riverton Criterium folks stopped by our table to check out the historically themed mugs.

Inevitably, conversation turned to a listing of TTATA, or things that aren’t there anymore, like the train station, bicycle track, Wolfschmitt’s Barbershop, etc.

More than a few times people have wished to see photos of Riverton’s long-gone lunchtime eatery, The Sharon Shop, Klipple’s Bakery at Main&Broad , and Reynold’s Gas Station at the point.

If a reader can favor us with a donation of a photo or a high-resolution scan of these spots (or any other favorite of yours), please contact us. – JMc