Winter officially arrived December 21 at 12:11 p.m., but it felt more like spring with temps in the upper 60s and 70+ forecast for the next day.
I snapped this while finishing some Christmas shopping. No distracted driver here – I pulled into the bank parking lot.
Here’s a little History Mystery to solve.

I scored this real 4×6 inch photo on a eBay auction a few weeks ago. The seller described it as “A very nice old 1956 original B & W 4 by 6 inch photo of the Riverton NJ Fire Dept 1926 ALF 750 pumper. This photo was taken by me at the NJ State Firemen s Parade in 1956 Atlantic City.”
Since no one else bid, it only cost $2 plus $1.97 shipping. It was worth the gamble. That is probably a member of Riverton’s Fire Company piloting that pumper in Atlantic City. He could be somebody’s Pop-Pop or great-granddad. Let me know if you can put a name to that face. – John McCormick
PS. HSR Vice-President Mrs. Cheryl Smekal added ten more pix to the Museum for a Day image gallery in the previous post below.