So maybe we all just needed this cold snap to get us into a holiday spirit. Driving around to look at the lights in town gets me going, too.

Recent seventy degree days just seem wrong for December, but then I must be too provincial in my thinking.
You know, we have Rivertonians who check in here from across the miles and coast to coast, so I guess one adapts one’s concept of the Season to wherever they are, whether it is Maine, South Carolina, or Florida, Connecticut or Washington.
Still, there’s a reason the phrase “There’s no place like home” was coined.
Do you know someone who would enjoy connecting with their old hometown through a membership in the Historical Society of Riverton?
Here is a Gift Enclosure that you can print out and give directly to your recipient.
Choose the PDF form to download: Main Street Railroad Station or the Sidewheeler Columbia.
Print the Gift Enclosure on any paper you choose, double-sided and fold it in thirds. It will fit into a #10 business envelope.
Then print out the 2016 Membership Form, fill out the information, and send it in with a check so membership can start right away in January. Instructions you need are on that form. – JMc