From the pages of The New Era, Riverton’s hometown newspaper, December 1, 1938, p10.
The New Era was a weekly newspaper published in Riverton, NJ commencing in 1889 and believed to have ceased publication in 1975. It focused its coverage on Riverton, Palmyra, and Cinnaminson, but often included stories from other townships in Burlington County.
Why not open an issue on this snowbound day and see if you find someone you know?
And if you have any issue or even just clippings that we don’t have that you could donate or lend for scanning PULLLLLEEESE contact us.
Peruse our online back-issue catalog of:
The New Era (Riverton)
The Palmyra Record
The Riverton Journal
The Weekly News (Palmyra)
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It searches the whole site, including the papers, but the results may be repetitive and it misses a lot because of poor text recognition on the old microfilm from which most of our digital copies were made.
Still, “For better is half a loaf than no bread.” – 1546 book of proverbs. -JMc, Editor