Here is the first issue of 2020 – the Society’s Fiftieth Anniversary!
- Board member Roger Prichard and his Sub-Committee on Sub-Surface Issues plants a new historical marker at 407 Bank Avenue.
- Board member Susan Dechnik briefly recaps Alisa Dupuy’s interpretation at the Porch Club of Alice Paul’s suffrage struggles.
- Across the miles with founding member and former president, Mrs. Marilyn Colozzi
- Riverton’s Helen Lippincott, suffrage champion
- Just so you know that we have been busy since last issue, “In case you missed it,” is a list of blog posts selected from ones made since mid-September.
- Veterans Day observed here Nov. 11; names of five Riverton servicemen were added to the War Memorial Honor Roll.
- Former HSR President Dan Campbell, AIA returns to share his experience with the restoration and preservation of historic architecture at Riverton Free Library on March 26 at 7pm: Before and After – Discoveries in Historic Preservation

The mailed copies of this newsletter stated that Helen Lippincott was married. This revised copy corrects that error.
Open the PDF, pause your mouse over blue highlighted underlined text, and click on the links to reveal extra content. Most images link to larger versions.
Click here to view issue #182 Gaslight News January 2020, revised 1-25-2020