Gaslight News – November 1984

  • November Presentation by Ned GilmoreGeology of the Inter and Outer Coastal Plain of New Jersey
  • January Good Will Fashion Show and covered dish supper
  • Updates: negotiation continues over 307 Bank Avenue, protests over deteriorating condition of Morgan Cemetery, Borough Council read amended ordinance to create an historic districthistoric plaque applications received, progress on Newspaper Project
  • List of additions to our collections 
  • Hints on researching your house
  • Yesterday… Riverton businesses of the 1890s

Click here to view #036 Gaslight News November 1984

2-20-2019: Listed Among several additions to our collections was a set of Glass Photographic Plates from Giles Knight, which cannot be found today.


Gaslight News – May 1984

  • Colonial History of East and West New Jersey at May meeting
  • Pete Dechnik and Bunny Hunn have taken photos to accompany the written survey.
  • Important Local Issues: update on the Baptist Home expansion, development of the former Evans Building property, and establishment of a Historic District by
    the Planning Board.
  • A New Project: Historical markers for 100 year old buildings
  • Yesterday: Early Riverton shops, Riverton Free Library, veterans’ pensions, fireworks, and more
  • Acquisitions and Reminders

Click here to view #034 Gaslight News May 1984

Gaslight News – September 1982

  • Man, the Rider at October meeting
  • Romance of Riverton screening at Porch Club in November
  • Editorial: 307 Bank Avenue
  • Yesterday: Palmyra and Riverton after 1851

Click here to view issue #027 Gaslight News Sep 1982

Note: In several issues of the Gaslight News we find a mention that the Romance of Riverton film was shown. The silent film was transferred to safety film in 1980 and to videotape in 1989. The state of video transfer is far better today than it was in 1989. The Society very much desires to locate that safety film copy so that we may make a high-quality video from it.