Ocean City, NJ images

NOTE: Ocean City history enthusiasts and philatelists (those who collect stamps and related postal matter) may enjoy, “The First Air Mail Flights in South Jersey – 1912,” the story of a short-lived experiment in air mail service from August 3-10, 1912 between Ocean City and Stone Harbor, New Jersey. – JMc

Added 2/21/2023: Thank you to Justin Selfling who tells us that the name of the park in the Ocean City water barrel postcard with a torn-off corner; it’s Public Park, Ocean City, NJ, c1908. He asks if anyone knows where in OC the Public Park was located. -JMc


Published by

John McCormick

Teacher at Riverton School 1974-2019, author, amateur historian, Historical Society of Riverton Board Member 2007-2023, newsletter editor 2007-2023, website editor 2011-2023

13 thoughts on “Ocean City, NJ images”

  1. I’m seeking history of Sindia Apartments, Ocean City, NJ, 17th -18th St. & Boardwalk, including K Building & 4 annexes. Our family rented these apts. 1960’s-1980’s. Alas, the complex was torn down starting in 1987 or 1988. What year were the Sindia Apts. built? Berger Realty had handled the reservations.

    1. Hi, Carolyn
      We only have these vintage postcard images to display – no further info on the Sindia Apts. Maybe another website visitor will see your question.
      John McCormick, Editor

      1. Thanks, John. Those photos are fabulous!
        I’m also seeking Ocean City NJ Vacation Guides from 1963 to1973; 1980-1981. (I already have 1974 to 1979; 1982.) If you know of any sources, please let me know.


    2. When I was a kid in the 50s I remember walking the beach and portions of the wreck of the Sindia was apparent at low tide. The apartments were almost directly behind the wreck.

    3. 18th and Boardwalk. I stayed there too during the same time frame. I remember pulling into the parking lot, looking ip at the white building with red railings.

      1. Hi Justin! I just tried to access Sindia Apts. photos on your FB page but couldn’t locate “Margaret Mary Smith album.” Please reply with instructions on how to do so. Thanks! Carolyn Munroe Crosser.

          1. Loved your photos! My family stayed at The Sindia in the 70s and 80s, too, and we loved it.

  2. I have old pictures of my grandmother Carrie Hays at “Ocean Hall”. Sure it’s gone now but know the Hays family owned much property before the depression. Do you know any background?

  3. I stayed at the Sindia for our first two family vacations. Right on the beach. I was about 6 years old. I was born in 1958. It was a wonderful time. Days on the beach carefree. Digging for small crustaceans, making sand castles, learning about jellyfish, horseshoe crabs, popping seaweed and finding seashells. A big thing was my parents buying my brother and I a simple plastic toy that made small bricks out of the sand.
    There were plenty of young children to play with. We had a boy named Jay come and entertain us with magic tricks. I will never forget my time spent there with my family. I wish I could see pictures of it and read more other personal accounts of other people who stayed there. My mom was Dorothy Hurlebaus and my dad was WRichard Hurlebaus. My grandmother also stayed with us her name was Esther Ohlemeyer. My brother’s name is Bill weHurlebaus. We used to get a treat and go to go Pier on the boardwalk for rides. I loved the merry-go-round where you could reach out for metal rings as it went around and if you got the gold one you would get another trip on the merry-go-round. I could go on and on. Precious memories.

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