Stone Harbor, NJ Images

NOTE: Philatelists (those who collect stamps and related postal matter) and devotees of Stone Harbor history may enjoy, “The First Air Mail Flights in South Jersey – 1912,” the story of a short-lived experiment in airmail service from August 3-10, 1912 between Ocean City and Stone Harbor, New Jersey. See also Going to Stone Harbor by Rail in the early 1900s and A 100 Year Pictorial Survey of the Water Works at Stone Harbor, NJ – JMc

Published by

John McCormick

Teacher at Riverton School 1974-2019, author, amateur historian, Historical Society of Riverton Board Member 2007-2023, newsletter editor 2007-2023, website editor 2011-2023

77 thoughts on “Stone Harbor, NJ Images”

  1. My Mother remembers the boardwalk at Stone Harbor. Does anyone know when it was built and when it was destroyed?

    1. Ms. Burridge
      Sorry for the delay in responding to your question about the Stone Harbor boardwalk. I asked a friend about it and I posted a blog entry about it on our website at Stone Harbor’s boardwalk was dedicated in 1916 and lasted slightly less than 30 years. Sadly, all of the boardwalk washed away in the terrible storm of 1944.

      Thank you for visiting the Historical Society’s website. I am especially gratified when something that readers find here resonates with them. We also appreciate it when visitors further engage by contributing comments, information, or images.
      Best regards,
      John McCormick
      Historical Society of Riverton

      1. John:

        Do you know the name of the hotel on the beach between 98th and 99th? I think it also met its end with the storm in 1944. There are several pictures of it. I recently pointed it out to the museum to no end. My Aunt says it was called “The 98th Street Hotel”. Can you verify?

        Thank you.

        Jay Dean
        Pittsburgh, PA

        1. Dear Jay:

          You are very right…there was a hotel on the beach between 99th and 98th street. I never knew its name but I do know about its demise. It fell down during a terrible Northeasten strom, but not in 1944. I know because I watched it go. When my family moved to Stone Harbor, we moved into my grandparents summer house on 100th street. Three years later, my grandfather sold the house and we had to move. We moved to an apartment on 99th street between the beach and 1st Ave. I could see the hotel from my bedroom window…it was about 25 yards from our apartment. The strom was really bad and my brother, sister and I were not allowed to go outside. I remember being in my room playing. My mom was in the kitchen and over the wind, we could hear a huge crashing sound coming from the beach. We both ran to the window and the hotel came crashing down onto the beach. I do remember , it was quite exciting for a boy my age at the time to see. I am not exactly sure what years it was…I am sure it was the same year we had the Tom Thumb wedding mentioned by Margaret Strewart up above this note. My best guess…it had to be 1950 or 1951. We lived there in the apartment for a year before moving to a house on 94th street where I lived until I was 18 and left Stone Harbor for the Army…same street as Margaret. The year that old hotel came down was the same year my parents separated…was quite a tramatic year for me.

          Hope this was helpful.

          Bill Frankenfield

        2. Ah, I love a good mystery. My friend, Harlan, who has contributed every one of the Stone Harbor scans you see here brings this to the conversation: “…regarding the so-called 98th Street Hotel located between 98th and 99th Streets on the beach in Stone Harbor, here is what I think. I have not found any picture post card that directly or specifically featured said hotel or building. While I have seen several post card images depicting the structure in question, they all are aerial views taken from a distance and not close up. However, I consulted 4 actual photographs taken from the air in the years 1920, 1933, 1944 and 1962 and found the building the gentleman’s aunt refers to as the 98th Street Hotel does appear in the first 3 photos, namely 1920, 1933 and 1944 but not in the 1962 photo. My hunch is the building was constructed sometime in the latter teens, about 1918 and actually survived the storm of 1944. The 1944 photo is post-storm (October-December) and while the boardwalk is completely gone in this image, the building in question remains intact and conspicuous. Further, based on more recent chrome post cards of the 1950s period, I see the building in question still standing in the same location between 98th & 99th Streets. The best I can offer is this building was removed or disappeared sometime in the mid-to-latter 50s and did NOT meet its demise in the 44 storm. My first-hand experiences vacationing at Stone Harbor did not begin until the late 50s and so I do not have any first-hand knowledge to elaborate on the gentleman’s question. I am inclined to believe his aunt was correct when she identified the building by name as the 98th Street Hotel. I also am of the opinion this building, whether hotel and/or apartment house with possible restaurant may have had more than one owner and perhaps more than one name over the years. I’m not sure if this response will provide any tangible or useful new information. In any event, I remain grateful that the gentleman found the Historical Society of Riverton’s website and more specifically the Stone Harbor post card images of interest.”

          1. Hello. You are correct. This building survived the demise of the hurricane. I think it made it until the storm in 1962 or 1964. I think it was an apartment building and not a hotel. I have pictures of it with the word CASINO on it.

          2. Could the hotel you are asking about,could it have been call The Seabreeze

  2. A friend sent me these pictures. They were so much fun to see. I was born and raised in Avalon, 1947. I don’t remember ever hearing about the boardwalk. I worked at the Harbor Theatre for several summers. It was fun to see what it used to look like. Also did not realize that St. Paul’s had such a long history in Stone Harbor. I still attend Mass there. This was a wonderful treat to see these pictures.
    Thank you, Eileen M. Post

    1. Hi, Eileen
      It is gratifying to know that the photos here have brought you pleasure. A collector friend provided the Stone Harbor images. That is how we got most of these scans – thru begging and bartering. If you can provide any scans of photos or collectibles, or know someone who can, please keep us in mind. Thank you for visiting.
      Best regards,
      John McCormick

  3. Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures of Stone Harbor. I was born April 16th 1942 in
    Riverside, NJ, and went to the family summer place on 84th street one month later. I spent every summer
    in this seashore “PARADISE”. My family moved to SH full time in 1950 and lived right next to the school
    on 94th street. I was in 3rd grade in the 4 room school house. Every Wednesday all the girls had home ec
    and the guys had shop. The second floor of the firehouse was the classroom for the entire day. Half the year
    we learned to sew and the second half was cooking. The class of 1956 had 11 grads. So many fond memories.
    The Tom Thumb Weddings, playing on the scales at the old train station, the sugar bowl in Avalon, trick or
    treating on bikes and covering the entire town, Springers ice cream, the bowling alley, Woods 5 & 10 after school
    for a soda and Tastycake, sitting on the 96th st. and 3rd ave. curb in the early 50’s listening to Bill Haley and the
    Comets play at the Shelter Haven, carving our initials in the trees by the tennis courts, and waiting for summer .
    What a way to grow up……………………………..thanks for taking me back. Margaret Stewart

    1. Hi, Margaret
      Thank you for visiting and for sharing your memories of Stone Harbor. You have a friend of mine to thank for the Stone Harbor scans. He will be pleased to know that they brought back memories to you. Your heartfelt note makes this task all worthwhile.
      Best regards,
      John McCormick
      P.S. Happy birthday, kiddo.

    2. Hi Margaret,
      It was Bill Haley & the Saddlemen, @ the Shelter Haven,because, I was
      the 3rd generation to own Henny’s that was across the street.Bill Haley, and
      group alway’s came in for a drink, when they took a break

      1. Just in case anyone is confused, Norman and Margaret are each correct – Bill Haley and the Saddlemen later renamed themselves Bill Haley and His Comets. You could google that for more info.

        Here’s a 1952 recording preserved on YouTube.

        1. Thanks for the clear up. I was probably 9 or 10 at the time and remember sitting on the curb by the Diller and Fisher office with Linda Wood (5 & 10), Lynn Mathews, (94th and 3rd gas station) just listening to some cool music on a hot summers night. Sooooooo many
          wonderful Stone Harbor memories.

          1. They were the good “OLD DAY’S ” in Stone Harbor. Every one knew each other,those day’s are gone forever.
            The town has really change,and not for the good.
            The last good thing about the town is Taylor Swift, she used to sing in Henny’s when she was 14,.
            The fellow that ran Kareoke for us,sang with Danny and the Juniors and said to Taylor, your gone to
            make it big “BABY: !!!!!!!

          2. Boy does your name and Henny’s bring up a host of memories. My Dad, Pete Held was a bartender at your place every summer for years. I remember sitting on the upstairs porch with your Dad talking about old Stone Harbor and that was in the 50’s…. Great, good memories. Margaret Held Stewart

          3. Hi Norman..I mentioned to my brother, Norm Van Meter, that I saw your post here and I forwarded the link to the photos as well. He, of course remembers you well. We moved to SH in 1944 and I think Henny’s was called “Mom Blums” at that time. Is that correct? Remember when my mom, Kate Van Meter and Florence Arenberg did the kitchen back in the late 50’s I think it was.

            I agree that Stone Harbor changed and will never be the “small town” it once was. I remember this change happening in the 60’s when it became a hot spot.

            Bob Van Meter

          4. Hi Bob: They were the the days, when your mom & Florence did a great job for us in the kitchen.
            It’s great you mention your brother Norm,many good times we had when he got done working at Hankins.
            I always knew things about your brother thru Charlie when he was shopping in the Acme.
            Now that he , and Pam retire to Fla, my source has dry up


          5. Norm Blum,
            We put a few miles on your Dad’s Olds going to Wildwood didn’t we.


          6. Norm : Yes we did !!!!!!! I can still remember every night ,I would walk in Hankins before you were done work,you would say I’m not
            going out tonite,but we did !!!!!!!!

          7. Margaret : Your Dad was head Engineer @ Burdette Tomlin Hospital.
            He work for me a number of years in the summer
            I remember Friday nites,and we were packed, customer’s would
            come in ans say, I don’t have a place to stay, I would called across
            the bar to your Dad, and he would in minutes rent a room at your
            That was Stone Harbor ,”Seashore at it’s Best ”

            Norman Blum

        2. Norman J Blum – Thank you for your comments. My father worked at Hennys back in the 1950s as a security bouncer guy i guess. He was close to 6-7” which is tall today but very tall at the time!
          My grandmother died in Cape May in the late 1970s and my father took us back to Hennys. I was young and remember him telling me about Bill Haley and the Comets. Surprisingly he had not worked at Hennys since the 1950s but some of the same staff was still there 20-25 years later!

          Thank You all so much for the memories! My father loved Hennys. I was upset to see the place go as the place always made me think of my father who passed in the 1990d!

          1. Tim,your going back many years,In the early 1950’s my brother and I was serving our country during the Korean war..The name Lanahan rings a bell.Your dad was right when he said employees was there for 20-25 years, we had some kitchen help that was there for 40 years.The town has really change over the years.I have only been in Stone Harbor one time,since our sons sold the business in 2010.I’m so happy you brought up the comment about your Dad. In 2 months I will be 90 ,I’m happy you brought back some great memories.

          2. Norman Blum- thats crazy as my dad served in Korea as well! He was born in 1928 so he could have possibly worked at Hennys in the late 1940s?
            I was guessing on the date he worked there! He got out ofthe Army at a now closed Military base in Jersey called FT DIX i believe. He was so angry the war ended byge had to stay on base a month or so! After he was finally out i know he worked in Wildwood,Stone Harbor and Cape may until the 1960s! His name was Ignatius but he went by Joe or Buddy!
            I was last in Hennys as a kid in the late 1970s. There was a waitress maybe in her fifties at that time and she knew my dad right away!

            Stone Harbor has changed so much you are so right!

            Congrats on your 90th birthday! It hurt me to see the old place lnocked down!

            Best Wishes and stay healthy


      2. Hello Norman!

        I just discovered this wonderful site about Stone Harbor!
        Did you own Henny’s during the 50’s/60’s?
        If so…do you recall Tom & Annie Lappin?
        Annie worked @ Henny’s for many years!
        The Lappins lived on 87th street & their original home still stands today (2019)!
        My parents stayed every summer at the Lappin’s home beginning in the mid/late 1940’s.
        Stone Harbor was my second home!
        I LOVE this beautiful town!
        Wondering if you knew the Lappin’s daughter…Patricia (Pat)?
        She married Gus Miller & they co-owned the Miller Real Estate Agency in Stone Harbor.

        WONDERFUL memories…of WONDERFUL times…in a WONDERFUL town!!!

        Patricia Connell Kemp

        1. The family moved to Henny’s site in 1936.I knew Tom and Annie Lappin real well,she was like my second mother.They moved to a new home,which they built on 102nd street.Pat past away a couple years ago.Great to hear from someone that knew Stone the good old day’s. I was the 3rd generation of Henny’s

          Norman Blum

        2. Hey, Pat! So glad that you found, perhaps the most unlikely place on the internet to find so many photos of your favorite shore town. My friend Harlan provided most of the scans of SH that you see here. While we don’t display so much factual info besides what the postcards show, this page has developed into a kind of meeting place for fans of SH. I nominate Norm for Mayor of the group. He seems to know stuff. Let this be an invitation to visitors to keep posting questions and we will try to facilitate getting your answers. We also can provide space for memoirs and more vintage images, if anyone cares to contribute.

    3. Hello Margaret, Would you happen to know where the firehouse was located during the 40’s and 50’s. I remember 60/70/80’s and it was located on the corner of 96th and 2nd Ave. But the old firehouse – I thought was in the same location, but I am not sure after reading your post about classes on the upper floor of the firehouse. Was it located on 94th street?
      I use to listen to my dad talk about memories such as yours. I was lucky to have at least experience going to the bowling alley with my grandmother at that time. They built their home across from the playground/tennis courts on 97th street in 1940, they named it The SnowDrift, and my dad Don Snow use to lifeguard on 96th street. I really enjoyed all my years there and now the home my grandma designed and had built with inherent from her father, is gone and a huge beautiful, but cold feeling replaced it. Broke my heart.
      Generations of memories and such great stories. Everyone knew everyone and we would all meet each summer for years and years. It has changed so much, I was so disappointed that the feel of our generations and the small town atmosphere of friendly faces and acceptance by those who didn’t know you – are gone. Stone Harbor memories will always be in my heart.

      1. I remember your dad in particular because of the rare French Panhard 2 cylinder car he drove. The only one I have ever seen. Teenage boys notice cars…lol.

  4. Thanks again…………….I will be 70 in April and for a few hours of looking at your pictures I was a kid again.

  5. Hi John,
    I have been trying to reach the Historical Society all week. I love these postcard artworks. I have some questions about them and would very much like to speak with you- if at all possible. My email is below and I will look forward to hearing from you. Thank you! 🙂

    1. Hi, Briana
      I sent you an email with my home phone and email so we should be able to connect at some point. By the way, don’t imagine that we have a museum or a research staff. I am a retired teacher running this website (with a lot of help from my friends) on a shoestring budget out of a corner of my family room. All HSR Board Members are volunteers with a commitment to discovering and preserving local history and serving as a resource to our community. While we are not a research service, we may be able to help with questions as our time and resources permit.
      Best regards,
      John McCormick

  6. Dear John:

    Found your web page…loved seeing the old town again. I am one of the lucky ones to have grown up in Stone Harbor. In fact, grew up down the street from Margaret (see earlier post). We were in the same class in the old school, however, I was taken out of it in 1954 and sent to St. Joseph’s Catholic School in Sea Isle City, which I hated. The day of the year I disliked the most was Labor Day. In the morning it was packed with people, and by the late afternoon, it was just us natives…so depressing. Today, am 72 and I am now living with my Dutch wife in Hoogvliet Rotterdam in the Netherlands which is her hometown.

    Thanks again.
    Bill Frankenfield

  7. Thanks for p[osting all the pics…My first trip to Stone Harbor was 1959, the last year of the old Shelter Haven. Spent many fun summers working there. Mcclures gulf, short stop restaurant, hahns…still remember pizza alley and the old wooden freds tavern. Haven’t been in SH since 200, but think about it alot. agasin, thanks for the memories. stayed at Carolyn hotel and later the Sherwood house, both long gone.

  8. Great pictures, I love stone harbor. Trying to find pictures of a house that has been demolished. It was on the corner of 92 nd street and 1 st ave.

    1. Dear Bill:

      I am sorry …I don’t have a picture, but I may be able to help. Which corner of 92nd street and 1st Ave. are you referring to? I remember that corner very well. On one corner was a huge white house with 4 pillors on the front. It had a huge yard as well…we used to play football there after the owners closed the house at the end of summer. The Mixners lived a couple of houses behind it on 92 nd street ( I attended school with Frank Mixner and we were in the same class) and the Davies lived across the street. My mother was very friendly with Mrs. Davies. Am wondering if this helps any?

      Bill Frankenfield

  9. We now own the house where Capt. Stiles operated his fishing business in Stone Harbor. He was the Capt. of “The Skipper”.
    The house, I am told, was next to the bridge house where there are now some older condominiums.
    I would love to know more about Capt. Stiles and the house. I’ve searched the photo’s at the historical society but haven’t found any shots of the original house.
    Any information would be greatly appreciated.

    Rick Ross

    1. Rick, I have just come across this site researching some of my family, William & Ida Stiles. William was a brother to my Grandmother.

      1. Thanks for contacting me.
        I’d love to talk with you about any information you might have about Captain Stiles and the house if you have any. Do you have any photos of the house when it was on the bay?

        I’ll be in Stone Harbor next week, perhaps we could talk then. My cell number is 610-389-3336.



  10. I was wondering if anyone familiar with Stone Harbor History knows anything about “the smallest house in Stone Harbor”?? It is a little red house with a screened in porch in the front/ It is on 117th St between third and second.
    My husband and I bought a house on 100th st .twenty five years ago back in 1988 and would love to get the history of owners before.Where do I go to get this info? the zoning board? the house is #221 100th St.
    thanks to anyone that can help.
    June M. Dell’Angelo
    N.Y. and N.J.

    1. I don’t know anything about the history of the house, but this last summer I did notice that the home owner is driving a Mini Cooper (which i though was pretty funny).

      1. hi fpcarolan – I think that is pretty funny too – at least I know what kind of car they drive!! and thanks for responding

    2. Hi My name is Ron and I just found this blog. The house in your question was the quarters for the Captain of the CoastGuard house across the street. It was affectionatley called the Mosquito. I spent all my summers in Stone Harbor from 1946 until 1964 when I went in the service. My Grandparents had a store and home on 96th street where the Sushi resturant now operates. They ran the Stone Harbor Laundry. My cousins and me worked there every summer from June to August.
      Ron Sindaco

  11. Just found this site while looking for a pic of the Nellie Bly which ferried passengers between Stone Harbor & Anglesea up to the late 40’s as far as can tell. I see old friends Bill Frankenfield and Margaret Stewart are visiting also. I was one of the 11 graduates form the SH elementary school in 1956 mentioned by Margaret.

    Our family moved to SH in 1944 just before the hurricane that took out the boardwalk. We lived across the bay from the Yacht Club and I see the old house in some of the aerial postcard shots. Margaret’s house is also in some. I have some old shots from the 40′ which I will send over. Herb Vandepol, known to Bill & Margaret, has a great collection of photos; maybe he supplied some of these.

    Oh, the reason I was looking for the Nellie Bly is that my wife told me that someone suggested a ferry service from Brigantine(where we have a place now) to Gardner’s Basin in Atlantic city as a touristy thing. I wanted to show her the old Nellie Bly that I remember seeing as a youngster in Stone Harbor.

  12. Thank you for posting the “air view yacht club in center” and Mr. Jones farm…we lived across the street and eventually built a home on that farm. My older brother just said the other day that if it wasn’t for my sister Jeana Mr. Jones would have never sold the farm to dad. Mr. Jones was in love with her spirit. We have home movies of the family swimming in the harbor and of Mr. Jones when it was still a farm. I can still see him sitting in his chair outback watching the world go by. Simpler times.

  13. Great to read about Stone Harbor… I started to go there with my folks in the late 40’s. My Aunt and Uncle also had a home on 2nd Av. at 92nd St. Dr. and Mrs. Griest.
    I used to love the Harbor Bowl as a youngster, and set pins there in the Summer. Mr Miller ran the bowling and Mr Schaffer ran the food counter. Springers, Guyons ?( Edwards Pier ) on 83rd St., Dances at the Womens Civic Club, etc, etc, etc. Listening to WIBG ” Wibbage ” radio 99 from Phila…
    What great memories…


      1. Hi, John
        Thanks for reaching out. This seems to be the place people land when they google “Stone Harbor.” If you read the other comments, you can see that at least a couple of persons reconnected there.
        John McCormick, HSR Editor

        1. Nice to see a reference to the Sea Breeze. It was a charming hotel and white tablecloth restaurant – with a magnificent view of the beach and ocean. The restaurant served breakfast and dinner. I worked in the restaurant in the early 70’s. It was owned by Mrs. Velma Schissler (Weiss). She had two children, Al and Jean. I recall that the family moved to Stone Harbor from Florida in the 1940’s.
          When I was there, the restaurant employed an equal number of Caucasians and African Americans in the dining room and kitchen. The African Americans stayed in a dorm in the basement of the building. They came as far as South Carolina to work there in the summer. Mrs Schissler treated all of us with tremendous respect. After work in the evening, Steve Schissler would turn on the hotel floodlights and many of us played touch football on the beach. Occasionally, I brought some of my African American colleagues to the Princeton or Bongo Room to dance. Speaking of dancing, when it was time to set the tables, we would play a cassette of Motown’s best on the restaurant intercom and dance from table to table. Every evening before the customers arrived, the entire staff sat at one long table and had dinner together. So many great memories!

          1. Daughter was Jean Ann, Steve Weiss turn on the flood lights so you could play tag football.The best restaurant view in Stone Harbor

      2. Dear John Savage,
        I enjoyed your blurb about Stone Harbor, NJ. Do you have any photos of the “Carolyn Hotel”? My interest is obvious.
        My family & I had vacationed for over 20 years in Ocean City, NJ, 1963-1989 or so. I might have been to Stone Harbor once or more; we’d visited several barrier islands & shore communities along the NJ coast.
        Anyway, my Great Uncle Bob Munroe & his wife Jean had either lived in Stone Harbor or vacationed there regularly in the 1960’s (maybe earlier also) & perhaps 1970’s. Do you know of them? They have long since died.

        Thank you!

        Carolyn M C

  14. Jack Reichert, I remember all of the things you mentioned, including setting pins at the bowling alley. We moved there in 1944 and had a house there until around 1970 or so. I remember Reicherts including a John(I think) who was a builder in the area and was killed in a private plane crash if my memory if correct. I think we probably crossed paths at some point. Did you live there year round?

  15. Couldn’t help but offering some comments about SH. My mom who loved the beach brought for a week in 1945. Stayed in a 2nd floor apt. Near the water works. Came back every summer until I left for college because I was just ” too cool”. I recall the bowling alley, the basketball courts where the summer league had some good college players from the Big 5, Springers Henneys where my folks would Marty Hann and his tour boat that circled the island shelter Haven, the dance hall where I learned to Twist with Chubby Checker, learning to water sky, being a life Guard Mascot, the Harbor Theatre and the other less expensive one, lazy days on the beach and in the surf, watching the “Penguins” at ten convent, walking through the wild dunes through the bird sanctuary to the end of the island and drinking so much port wine in the sun that to this I have had only 1 glass. I was very lucky to have had the good fortune to spend so much time in such a wonderful place for so many tears. Tom Flatley

  16. I was hoping maybe someone on this would have any old police photos…. I work for the stone harbor police currently as a clerk and would love to see some photos of the old cars, buildings and officers.

  17. Does anyone know the old address of the The Sea Breeze Inn? As a child I would visit my grandparents at their cottage in Stone Harbor. They were on the corner lot of 2nd Ave. in a little cottage obscured from view by beautiful old bayberry trees. We would walk two blocks to the ocean and pass the Sea Breeze. Trying to determine the address of their cottage as it is now torn down. Great memories of time on the beach and Springer’s Ice Cream!

      1. Norm! Welcome back to one of our most frequent flyers and a font of information about Stone Harbor back in the day.

    1. Ha! Glad to see Bob Van Meter, our resident expert on Stone Harbor checked in to answer Jane’s question about the location of the Sea Breeze. Thank you, Bob, and others for sharing your memories here. Please know, that even with the hundreds of Stone Harbor images you find here, we are always looking for more images and stories.
      Warm regards to all of our followers and visitors,
      John McCormick, Editor

  18. ….I reside @ 8527 sunset drive in stone harbor nj; .. have been a homeowner since 1982 when I purchased the Dutch colonial bungalo located between the great channel/south basin, sunset dr
    …property was purchased from harris b lighty – the original owner and am interested in any info ref the property

  19. Norman J Blum it was Camp Kilmer New Jersey where my father was doscharged after the Korean War and not Ft DIx! Camp Kilmer is long gone!
    Its has been so long ago Norman my story recollection could be wrong! Maybe my dad frequented Hennys and worked nearby! That Hennys waitress sure knew him wel and i thought he said he worked there! Im sure he did lots of drinking and smoking those unfiltered Pall Maul cigarettes one after another!

    Thanks again Norman

    1. Tim I was discharged at Fort Dix,the name Lanahan still rings a bell,In the 50’s we only had organist play in the bar.we never had bouncers in that era.when we moved the bar next store in the late 60’s we used a doorman, ( bouncer ) when we had bands.I quit smoking 40 years ago.When was the last time you were in Stone Harbor ?

      1. Norman J Blum – Thanks again for your communication! Im in my mid fifties and your memory is better than mine! I last was in Stone Harbor about the year 2000. I only drove in town to look at the old Hennys building and think of my father. I was only there for a few minutes as i cutoff the Garden State Parkway for a few while on the way to a business meeting elsewhere! My family are all from Maryland but my father loved the Jersey Shore!
        He told me there was a time you could sleep on the beach at Stone Harbor and it was wonderful! He also discussed the storms as you have! He said he had to walk across the street during a storm and barely made it by hanging on to the lightpole!
        Stone Harbor will never be the same Too crowded now and it lost the hometown feeling! !

        Like I stated Norman and you confirmed i must have my story wrong! Maybe my father worked at the hotel across the street and just frequented Hennys! He liked to drink and smoke so maybe he was just a regular customer who worked nearby! I know the staff treated him like family and he felt the same! When we visited we got carryout from Hennys everyday. ! The way my father knew those people at Hennys he was at the very least a regular patron for many years. Maybe he worked at Shelter Haven. A couple of summers he worked at Wildwood as well!
        Norman since your aKorean vet let me share a funny story before I go! My father was about 6-7” and he found out the Army had a height limit for theKorean War which was 6-6”. Well he was measured by the Army doctor and naturally he was over six foot six inches tall. So my father thought he was going home! The drill Sgt standing by said “ Nonsense young man from now on your six foot five(6-5”) understand….so get your butt back in line and get ready to be a soldier!” The great US Army! ! Instead of going home he went to Puson and Inchon! Because of his size they made him an MP which he didnt like!
        Norman Your name sounds familiar too! My father served with a jack Mullaly from Washington DC!
        Aside from your conversations I read all these here!
        Thanks again Norman J Blum for the memories and you take care of yourself! The first ninety years are the hardest i heard and before long you will be 100!
        Thanks again Norman and thanks to you as well as your brother for your service during the war!
        Peace and Best Wishes


    1. John, they were the best times in Stone Harbor in the 50’s and 60’s. The Carolyn was a great place to stay.being in the restaurant business, I knew a few of the lifeguards that stay there,it was affordablje living for them.In that era most of the guards had 2 jobs, the beach and there 2nd jobs. I knew the Captain of the guards very well, he supply me with dishwashers,and busboys nightly. There was a 2nd place the guards used to stat, that was the Sherwood House on 97th street.In later years my Dad bought it. We rip it down, and turn it into a parking lot for our restaurant,It was great hearing from people that knew Stone Harbor when it was ( The Seashore at it’s Best ) !!!!!!!


        1. John what a small world, every thing happens in Stone Harbor !!!!! The Captain of the lifeguards was Terrence Malloy, he was head of Urogogy at Pa Hospital at 8th and Spruce & became head of the hospital.He was my Doctor

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