Tomorrow’s sale will the last chance to buy a mug until the Garden Tour in May.
Belated Antique & Collectible Event recap from Harvey and Phyllis
Reporting on the outcome of he March 19 HSR Antique & Appraisal Event is yesterday’s newspapers now, but I have an excuse.
I was otherwise occupied that day with using a video camera and projector to show close-up views of the items at Ron Shaffer’s table on the school’s screen. So no narrative or stills of that event by this web editor.
HSR Board member Harvey Sklar later sent in this shot of wife Eleanor’s photo in the Burlington County Times.
Harvey posted his heartfelt reaction to the experience on his Facebook page…
The appraisers were amazing, not only knowledgeable but entertaining. It was a fun sunday and it was all part of …THE RIVERTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY….Such a small town with a large heart…TOTAL MEMBER DEDICATION….AND TOWN SUPPORT….I LOVE MY.RIVERTON. I HOPE WE CONTINUE TO DO THIS EVENT. THANK YOU RIVERTON
Whatta guy! He works to help a project and he thanks the town. No wonder he has so many FB friends.
President Phyllis Rogers summarized the activity in an email to Board members as follows:
Greetings HSR Board Members,
Thanks to all who did a great job with the appraisal event. The appraiser Ron Shaffer did a terrific job taking his time and explaining each artifact. It was informative and entertaining. Nick Fratto from Anthony Jewelers also did an outstanding job. We had 3 hours of nonstop items being evaluated. The turnout could have been better in spite of our fantastic publicity which was everywhere. Thanks, Susan (Dechnik) for your efforts in this department. Thanks to John (McCormick), the items were displayed on the Big screen which greatly enhanced the presentation and for bringing over the mug display.
Thanks to Mike’s ( Spinelli) teacher organizational skills the line up went smoothly (and he generously donated all the soft pretzels and Tastycakes which we will freeze for the Bike Event). Thanks to Harvey (Sklar) for his assistance and to his wife Eleanor for her set up help. Thanks Pat (Brunker) and Bill (Brown) for the help with the registration table and special thanks to Bill B. for donating the sodas which we will save for the Bike Event.
Nancy (Hall) did a great job serving the hot dogs ( my treat) and HSR member Sheila Hines for her cleanup efforts. I sure hope I did not forget anyone as you are such a great group to work with.
These are the great people who volunteer their time and give to bring the Historical Society of Riverton offerings to you. – JMc
Boston Strangler at the Red Dragon Canoe Club April 20
You’re thinking, Ewww!
But not really – it’s just a free lecture about him, an Open House of the historic Shipman Mansion, and dessert. BONUS!
So, yeah, it’s history, albeit history of a scary time.
For a generation that lived during the 1960s, it brings back the lurid headlines, images of famous attorney F. Lee Bailey defending him in court, and perhaps even a memory of seeing the 1968 scary movie, The Boston Strangler, with Tony Curtis as the defendant, Albert DeSalvo, and Henry Fonda and George Kennedy as the homicide detectives who apprehend him. See the RDCC’s publicity pitch to learn of the accused’s local connection.
We pass along this announcement from Norma Carter and our buds at the RDCC about a lecture WHO REALLY WAS THE BOSTON STRANGLER? – JMc
The Shipman Mansion at Red Dragon Canoe Club is hosting another lecture on April 20 on the Boston Strangler. Melissa Bozarth from the Mt. Holly Prison Museum will be the presenter. She gave a lecture last year on Charles Lindbergh that was excellent so we have great expectations for this lecture.
An exciting addition to this event! An Open House and tour of the Shipman Manion has been added at 6:00 PM. The program will begin at 7:00 PM. All FREE and open to the public. A great way to learn more about the Red Drgaon Canoe Club, the Shipman Mansion and the work of the Shipman Mansion Foundation.
A special presentation by Melissa Bozarth
Wednesday, April 20, 2016 7 pm
The man convicted for the crimes of the Boston Strangler was Albert DeSalvo, and he was the most notorious inmate ever to call the Burlington County Prison in Mount Holly his home. Learn about DeSalvo’s early life, his arrests, his incarcerations and the aftermath of his later crimes and trials.
Admission is free and desserts will be provided.
All are welcome.
Location: The Shipman Mansion at Red Dragon Canoe Club; 221 Edgewater Avenue, Edgewater Park
Tour of the Mansion available at 6 pm.
Like us on Facebook – Red Dragon Canoe Club
A free and fun community event coming up two months from today

Just picked up the posters for Rob’s event at Joie Budget Printing. He sends this blurb below about plans for the 3-Mile Community Ride on June 11. – JMc
The century riders will start in Millburn, NJ that morning and bike 101.8 miles to Riverton to commemorate the June 1895 race from the NY Times to Riverton.
The community is invited to join them for the final 3 miles at a leisurely pace, ending in Memorial Park for some light refreshments and Mart Soft Pretzels. This event is hosted by the Historical Society of Riverton. We hope you can join us! – Rob Gusky
Footnote: Apple fans- what model is this antique?
Some old postcards like miniature Monets

Just won an auction on eBay. See the entire postcard scan here. Let me know if you see your house. A few flea bites on the house at left, but altogether in decent shape for being almost 102 years old.
Camden fans can check out a complete 1951 postmarked Souvenir Folder of Camden, NJ sent in by friend of the Society in the Camden Images section. Scroll all the way to the bottom for a 26 item slide show. Also find another new scan sent in, a sharp 1908 RPPC of Penn Street, Camden. – JMc
Chilly? Shake it off at the Library mug sale – Sunday 1-3 pm
Over fifty different styles of historically themed mugs now available.
Just in – 5 new Porch Club styles, 7 new Riverton Yacht Clubs, and a cool Nellie Bly mug.
Gear up, Rivertonians. The Great Riverton Cycling Weekend looms
The Great Riverton Cycling Weekend is coming up in just ten weeks, and the HSR is on board to help promote and support both events.

Rob Gusky, Riverton Favorite Son and organizer, is planning now from his home in Wisconsin for the second running of the Historic Riverton Century (NYC-Riverton) on June 11, culminating with a 3-Mile Community Ride when the athletes arrive from New York.

The first time, in 2014, Rob also started an indiegogo crowdfunding effort and secured additional sponsors that resulted in the Borough scoring an awesome historical marker near the site of Riverton’s old bicycle track.

Carlos Rogers‘ 6th Annual Historic Riverton Criterium, follows on Sunday, June 12, and consists of a number of races ranging from a 200 meter kids’ race to a 35 mile professional race over a 0.8mile, 6 turn, technical flat and fast course through the center of Riverton.
What can we say about a guy who has the vision to originate and bring to the normally quiet streets of old Riverton a frenzied fun event to kick off the Summer, and then proceeds to give away twenty-grand to community organizations over five years?
Each of these guys had me at “Historic Riverton” as they not only conceived of new Riverton traditions, but also managed to “give back” to everybody’s favorite hometown in impactful ways.
How about you? – JMc
Spring snatched away for now – warm up with a book and a cuppa
Mug sale from 1-3 pm today at Riverton Free Library during the Used Book Sale.
Our STORE page explains more. JMc
Sunday Mug Sale at Riverton Free Library
By popular demand, the Historical Society of Riverton mug sale returns to the Riverton Free Library from 1 pm -3 during for the next three Sundays during the RFL’s used book sale.
With Mother’s Day, graduations, and all kinds of spring get-togethers coming up, these make great presents.
Put some candy from Bayard’s, loose-leaf tea from the New Leaf, or ground gourmet coffee in one and you have an unforgettable hostess or housewarming gift.
Bill Probsting, Pat Brunker, and Nancy Hall, each volunteered to be there one Sunday to sell mugs on April 3, April 10, and April 17.
The mugs sold like the proverbial hotcakes in the weeks preceding Christmas when I sold them there. If you like yours, we’d like to hear some feedback and see some photos.
This guy loves his.
Proceeds benefit the HSR. See the Antique Event article, just below for more details and photos of these unique mugs. Questions? Find more details on our STORE page. – JMc
HSR Antique event this Saturday 11am-3pm at RIverton School

There is still time!
Explore your attic, rummage through your basement, search your garage, and check your jewelry box.

Renowned Philadelphia antiques expert, Mr. Ronald E. Shaffer, ISA, and Mr. Nicholas Fratto, manager of Palmyra’s Anthony Jewelers and Master Gemologist will offer their expert verbal opinions of value for your antiques and fine jewelry at the Society’s Antique & Collectible Event this coming Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Riverton School’s Gym.
Guests may start to register by 10:45.
$5 for each item. See more details in an earlier post here.
In addition, over 30 different mugs will be available for sale at the event. For a close-up inspection of both sides of every mug view a 2.45MB PDF here or see a YouTube slide show below. – JMc