President Obama said of Memorial Day in his address of May 28…
It’s the day we stop to reflect with gratitude on the sacrifice of generations who made us more prosperous and free, and to think of the loved ones they left behind.
Remembering them – searing their stories and their contributions into our collective memory – that’s an awesome responsibility. It’s one that all of us share as citizens.
Matthew P. Basara’s name will be added to the Honor Roll during Riverton’s Memorial Day service on Sunday, May 29, at 10:30 AM at the War Memorial on Main Street.
Maryann Fallows sent in this photo of her father. If you have any photos or hometown news clippings that we could include when we next update the Riverton Veterans Album, please contact me, John McCormick.
You can read President Obama’s entire remarks containing acts of remembrance at whitehouse.gov – JMc