HSR member Susan Dechnik shares these photos below she took July 4th.
She and Bill Hall and several other proselytizers were passing out our Glorious Fourth Palm Cards among the revelers bearing bits of borough history on one side and a pitch to become a member on the other.
Although recently retired as HSR treasurer, our goodwill ambassador Paul Daly also distributed the cards as he has for many years. The practice seems to have been started around 1987, possibly by Dan Campbell.
I have cards from 1987 thru this year except for 1992 and 1996. Maybe they were skipped for those years, but if any still survive in a kitchen drawer somewhere, please advise.
You’re thinking, “Shouldn’t you guys know? You are the historical society.”
Uh…no. And you would be surprised how often our capability is over estimated. But we would like to improve that and, in numbers there is strength.
Kindly consider adding your name to our number.
These are heady times indeed for the Society as renovations in the Library basement will soon enable us for the first time to set up a physical museum of sorts.
The Historical Society of Riverton invites you to join in our effort to make Riverton history more accessible by helping to underwrite the expense of this worthwhile project with your membership.
Find the complete Riverton 4th of July Committee’s 2015 Program booklet here.
Find waaaay more pix and some video on the Riverton 4th of July Committee’s Facebook page.
Find Christian Hochenberger’s photos here, but know that the display is not permanent. Enjoy while you can. – JMc