Broadway Looking North from Line Street, Camden, NJ
Free Library, Broadway and Line St., Camden, NJ, 1912
Free Library, Camden, NJ,1909
Public Library, Camden, NJ, 1910
Public Library, Camden, NJ, 1929
George Washington School
Aerial View of Camden, NJ, Showing Camden-Philadelphia Bridge 1938
Armory and Soldiers’ Monument, Camden, NJ
Armory, Camden, NJ
Bird’s Eye View of New York Shipbuilding Corporation, Camden, NJ 1921
Bird’s-Eye View of US Customs House and Delaware River Bridge
Bird’s-Eye View of Camden, NJ, Looking West from Courthouse
Boulevard Diner, 41st and Crescent Blvd., Camden, NJ
Broadway North of Kaign Avenue, Camden, NJ
Broadway North of Royden, Camden, NJ
Broadway and Kaighn Avenue, Camden, NJ
Broadway and Kaighns Ave., Camden, NJ
Broadway from Bridge Entrance, Camden, NJ
Broadway North of Stevens St., East Side, Camden, NJ
Broadway from Federal Street, Camden, NJ
Camden Aerial View 1909
Camden Aerial View 1909 2
Camden Aerial View 1909 3
Municipal Pier Front, Camden, NJ
Municipal Pier, Camden, NJ
Camden County Vocational School 1947
Camden County Vocational School, Pennsauken, NJ 1953
Camden Ferry Boat, Camden, NJ
Camden Ferry Station
Ferry Boat Between Camden and Philadelphia, Pa.
Camden Free Public Library, Cooper Street, West of 2nd, Camden, NJ
Camden High School, Camden, NJ
Camden Train Station
Camden Train Yard
City Hall, Camden, NJ 3
Cooper Free Public Library, Camden, NJ
Cooper Hospital, Camden, NJ 10
Cooper Hospital, Camden, NJ 11
Cooper Hospital, Camden, NJ 2
Cooper Hospital, Camden, NJ 3
Cooper Hospital, Camden, NJ 4
Cooper Hospital, Camden, NJ 5
Cooper Hospital, Camden, NJ 6
Cooper Hospital, Camden, NJ 7
Cooper Hospital, Camden, NJ 8
Cooper Hospital, Camden, NJ 9
Cooper Hospital, Camden, NJ
Cooper Hospital, Main Bldg., Camden, NJ 2
Cooper Hospital, Camden, NJ 1910
Cooper Park Library, Camden, NJ
Cooper Park, 3rd and Cooper Sts., Camden, NJ
Cooper River Parkway, Looking Toward Yacht Basin, Camden, NJ
Cooper Street, East of 4th Street, Camden, NJ
Cooper Street, Looking West from 6th Street, Camden, NJ
Court House and City Hall, Camden, NJ
Delaware River Bridge Connecting Philadelphia, Pa. and Camden, NJ 2
Elks Hall, Broadway and Federal Streets, Camden, NJ
Entrance to Delaware River Bridge, Connecting Philadelphia, Pa. and Camden, NJ Side
Federal Street Bridge, Camden 1
Federal Street Bridge, Camden 2
Federal Street, Looking East from 4th Street, Camden, NJ
Federal Street, Looking East from Court House, Camden, NJ
Federal Street, West from Broadway, Camden, NJ
Federal and Arch Streets, from Broadway and Federal, Camden, NJ
Garden State Park Home Stretch and Club House
Grace Baptist Church, Camden, NJ
Grace Presbyterian Church
Garden State Park Paddock and Walking Ring
First Methodist Episcopal Church, Camden, NJ
Haddon Ave Railroad Station, Camden [
Headquarters Camden Fire Department, Arch & 5th St., Camden, NJ
High School, Camden, NJ
Hotel Walt Whitman and Elks Club, Camden, NJ [
J.B. Van Sciver Company,Furniture Factory Store, Camden, NJ
Kaighn’s Avenue Ferry, Camden, NJ
Knight’s Park, Camden, NJ
Linden, Street, Camden, NJ
Looking Across Cooper River Showing Farnham Park and High School, Camden, NJ
Market Street, Looking West, Camden, NJ
New York Shipbuilding Corp., Camden, NJ
Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Camden, NJ
Paddock and Walking Ring, Garden State Park, NJ
Pennsylvania Railroad Terminal, Camden, NJ
Plaza Hotel, 5th and Cooper Sts., Camden, NJ
Pyne Point Park, Camden, NJ 1907
Riverfront and Camden, NJ Skyline from Philadelphia Side 1938
Robeson Hotel, 2nd and Penn Streets, Camden, NJ
Stanley Theater, Broadway and Market Street, Camden, NJ 1936
State St., West of 2nd, South Side, Camden, NJ
Sunlight and Shade, Nurses Home, Cooper Hospital, Camden, NJ
The Naden Store, Inc., Kaighn Avenue at 8th St., Camden, NJ
Third Regiment Armory, Camden, NJ
Third Regiment Armory, Camden, NJ 1910
View in Cooper’s Park, Camden, NJ 1906
Waiting Rooms and Hangars of Central Airport, Camden, NJ
Central Airport, Camden, NJ
Just landed at Central Airport, Camden, NJ
YMCA Boarding House
YMCA, Camden, NJ
Market Street, East from Third Street, Camden, NJ
Walt Whitman Hotel, Camden, NJ
Tomb of Walt Whitman, Camden, NJ
Jordan Homestead, Camden, NJ
Market Street Looking East from Third, Camden, NJ
Municipal Hospital, Camden, NJ
Towers Theatre, Camden, NJ
The Towers Theater, Broadway and Pine Street, Camden, NJ
Towers Theater, Broadway and Pine Street, Camden, NJ
Tower Theatre, Broadway & Pine St.
Emanuel Baptist Church, Camden, NJ
Entrance to Wood-Lynne Park, Camden, NJ
Moose Hall, Camden, NJ
Eagle Bldg., Camden, NJ
Welcome to Pyne Poynt, Camden, NJ
Sewell School, Camden, NJ
Taylor’s Drug Store
Broadway, South of Mickel, Camden, NJ
Berkley St., W. of Newton Ave.
Boulevard, Forest Hills Park
Broadway looking North from Line Street 1
Broadway looking North from Line Street 2
Broadway looking S., Camden, NJ
Bird’s Eye View of Cooper’s River and Bridge from Forest Hill
Jos. M. Garfield School
Reservoir Park, Camden, NJ
West Jersey Hotel
St. Johns Church, Broadway, Camden, NJ
Wiley M.E. Church, Camden, NJ
St. George M.E. Church 1
St. George M.E. Church 2
Stevens St. West of Broadway
Tabernacle M.E. Church
Taylor’s Drug Store
Union Parsonage & Church
The Lake, Woodlynne Park, NJ
Stockton Wheelman
Post Office, 3rd and Arch Sts., Camden, NJ
US Post Office and Court Building House, Camden, NJ
First-Day Cover – First Scheduled Flight JUL 6, 1939 Camden to Phila., pilot signed
First-Day Cover – Opening Day Air Mail, Sept. 21, 1929
First-Day Cover – Opening Day of Philadelphia’s New Municipal Airport on JUL 19, 1940
First-Day Cover – May 25, 1935 Trial in-bound airmail cover flown Camden to Philly Post Office Roof
Pine East of Broadway, Camden, NJ
27th St. N. of River Ave., Camden, NJ
Vine W. of 7th., Camden, NJ
P.R.R. Terminal & Ferry, Camden, NJ, 1906
Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church, Camden, NJ
Camden, NJ Oct. 1942 Mock Air Raid
Kellett Autogiro flying US mail Phila.-Camden 1939
First Day Cover – Oct. 13, 1939
CAMDEN, NJ RPPC #11 1909
CAMDEN, NJ RPPC #10 1909
Camden Carnival RPPC 1908
RPPC Penn St,, Camden, NJ, postmark 1908
Walt Whitman Bridge
Highland Mills, Camden, NJ 1908
A glimpse of Wood Lynne Park, Camden, NJ 1911
Knight’s Park, Camden, NJ 1911
Newton Ave, S. of Berkley St., Camden, NJ Aug 16, 1910
Revised July 2013: Read Harlan Radford, Jr.’s commentary on about fifty recently added Camden images scanned from his expansive postcard and philatelic collection. Camden Comments
Revised March 2015: A collector’s recently acquired 1939 postcard (above) further illuminates a little known chapter in the history of the postal service – the daily autogiro airmail shuttle service linking New Jersey’s Central Airport and the roof of the General Post Office in Philadelphia. It became known as the “world’s shortest air mail route!”
You could win a bar bet on that one. Thank-you again to a big contributor of scans to, Harlan Radford, Jr.
Revised Sept. 2015: If you read the above article and have sharp eyes, see this next postcard in the Philadelphia section – a 1936 copyrighted postcard of Philadelphia’s Main Post Office at 30th and Market Streets. “Look! Up in the Sky! It’s a Bird…It’s a Plane... It’s ….well, you’ll know, but few others will.
Rev. Feb. 4, 2016: Added today five choice vintage Camden, NJ RPPCs. See the post, Collector shares his eBay postcard auction prizes, with detailed descriptions for these five plus descriptions for three more previously posted images.
Rev. April 2016: Added today a complete Souvenir Folder of Camden, NJ
Added January 2019: Even an eBay auction miss can yield information about the defunct Camden Central Airport as evidenced by this screen capture.
Should some charitable reader send us a scan of the back cover, we would appreciate it.
Hurleys – Everything for the home and family, Broadway at Pine, Camden NJ, c1952
Caption of reverse/address/message side of this pc: “In 1890, Wm. Leonard Hurley founded the first Hurley Store in Camden, N.J. He established our never-changing policy of selling high-grade merchandise, giving friendly credit and maintaining dependable service that satisfied every customer. Our organization has grown to eight stores in seven cities.”
Talk about excellent communication between the store and the customer, this card carried the following type-written message to the recipient residing in Clementon, N.J. which reads as follows: “We haven’t forgotten your order…but some of our shipments have been very slow. However, we do not believe you will have to wait much longer. Meanwhile, thank you for your patience and be assured that as soon as your order arrives, it will be sent to you. Sincerely, HURLEY’S”
Added 2/17/2021: John Block, a sharp-eyed visitor from Florida, comments on the two Camden Carnival postcards.
Sir/Madam, Fine site, well done. Found it looking for info on Camdenproper. Specifically a ferry to Philly located on the Delaware at Liberty St., known to all as the “Ferry Ave Ferry.” It was not the Kaighn’s Ave/Point ferry. Used it many times crossing to Philly and the Abbott’s Ice Cream plant then on Lombard St. A minor update to the Camden Carnival Street post Card. That’s Broadway and Line St. You can confirm it by the Dentist sign on the wall of the next building and the edge of the Library building and comparison with another Library post card in the collection. I once lived on Broadway at Pine, playing on those steps/Library window ledges often. A then street urchin, methinks my youth would have been better served inside with the books! Good luck. Stay healthy. Semper Fi, John H Block, Venice, FL Ps. Lest I forget. Once worked in small RCA Service Co bldg on the RR street. Early 60’s. BMEWS Project. Great little town- Riverton.
Published by
John McCormick
Teacher at Riverton School 1974-2019, author, amateur historian, Historical Society of Riverton Board Member 2007-2023, newsletter editor 2007-2023, website editor 2011-2023
View all posts by John McCormick
Many thanks for posting great postcards…. have several postcards not in your collection…. would love to share please email and will send….
Thank you for your interest. I asked my friend your question and he replied,”I have never seen nor do I have any post cards (past or present) of Camden showing or related to today’s sewer authority in Camden.” Doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, but it isn’t likely, since he has been collecting Camden postcards for many years. Please keep us in mind if you get something we could post in the collection.
Did you ever receive an answer on liney ditch? I have been looking for information on this area for a few years, and it’s hard to come by. If you have any to share, please e-mail me with the heading … Info liney ditch.
Hi, Ethel
I don’t know if you already know all this, but I hope it helps. This first part comes from a posting to by my friend and professional historian, Paul W. Schopp:
Liney Ditch takes its name from Line Ditch, a.k.a. Little Newton Creek, a.k.a. Kaighn’s Run, a stream located in South Camden. This stream originated out near 10th Street at one time. It flowed under Broadway between Jackson and Lansdowne Street and appears on 19th and early 20th century maps and atlas plates. Once Eavenson & Levering constructed their wool scouring mill at the intersection of 4th, Jackson and Ferry avenues, the stream to the east disappeared. The wool scouring mill used the stream for its effluent. Even today, there are still bridges in place on Ferry Avenue and the railroad that span the watercourse. In the late 18th and into the 19th century, a Little Newton Creek Meadow Co. existed for creating banked meadowlands along the stream. Line Ditch takes its name from serving as the dividing line between Kaighn and Mickle lands.
Now, regarding Liney Ditch. This community of shanties sprang up on dredge spoils deposited along the Delaware River shore from Jackson Street south to about Jasper Street. The shanty town begins to appear during the late 1890s and grew to rather large proportions, relatively speaking, by the 1930s. The community featured tarpaper shacks, a chapel, a store and post office, a common fountain to supply water and dirt streets and paths. The shanty town disappeared when Camden City began constructing a major new sewage treatment plant on the dredge spoils in the late 1940s. Today, this treatment plant is the home to the CCMUA (Camden County Municipal Utility Authority). The name Liney Ditch seems to be an enduring part of the history and lore of Camden.
This is about as thorough a read as one will ever find on Liney Ditch. Grew up at So 2nd and Kaighn. The “River” was our playground. From the northern bank we looked across to the tarpaper shacks and put together homes. Many, if not all had “Victory Gardens out front/side. Spent many days playing on our side never venturing across. We used our side too to learn how to drive down the long stretches of road adjacent to the river. I believe these stetches were for train sidings in disrepair in my days 1945ish.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
sad to see it now.
Many thanks for posting great postcards…. have several postcards not in your collection…. would love to share please email and will send….
Do you have any postcards showing Liney Ditch which was located at the foot of Jasper St. It is the site of today’s sewer Authority in Camden.
Thank you for your interest. I asked my friend your question and he replied,”I have never seen nor do I have any post cards (past or present) of Camden showing or related to today’s sewer authority in Camden.” Doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, but it isn’t likely, since he has been collecting Camden postcards for many years. Please keep us in mind if you get something we could post in the collection.
Did you ever receive an answer on liney ditch? I have been looking for information on this area for a few years, and it’s hard to come by. If you have any to share, please e-mail me with the heading … Info liney ditch.
Hi, Ethel
I don’t know if you already know all this, but I hope it helps. This first part comes from a posting to by my friend and professional historian, Paul W. Schopp:
Liney Ditch takes its name from Line Ditch, a.k.a. Little Newton Creek, a.k.a. Kaighn’s Run, a stream located in South Camden. This stream originated out near 10th Street at one time. It flowed under Broadway between Jackson and Lansdowne Street and appears on 19th and early 20th century maps and atlas plates. Once Eavenson & Levering constructed their wool scouring mill at the intersection of 4th, Jackson and Ferry avenues, the stream to the east disappeared. The wool scouring mill used the stream for its effluent. Even today, there are still bridges in place on Ferry Avenue and the railroad that span the watercourse. In the late 18th and into the 19th century, a Little Newton Creek Meadow Co. existed for creating banked meadowlands along the stream. Line Ditch takes its name from serving as the dividing line between Kaighn and Mickle lands.
Now, regarding Liney Ditch. This community of shanties sprang up on dredge spoils deposited along the Delaware River shore from Jackson Street south to about Jasper Street. The shanty town begins to appear during the late 1890s and grew to rather large proportions, relatively speaking, by the 1930s. The community featured tarpaper shacks, a chapel, a store and post office, a common fountain to supply water and dirt streets and paths. The shanty town disappeared when Camden City began constructing a major new sewage treatment plant on the dredge spoils in the late 1940s. Today, this treatment plant is the home to the CCMUA (Camden County Municipal Utility Authority). The name Liney Ditch seems to be an enduring part of the history and lore of Camden.
Click on this link and find a virtual tour about the neighborhood today. Be sure to click the “next” arrow at the bottom of your screen to move along the tour.,%20NJ%20Neighborhood//#1 The 2nd and 3rd slides may be of particular interest.
This online edition of the 1909 Historical Sketch of Camden, NJ mentions the Line Ditch on pages 18 and 36:
John McCormick
This is about as thorough a read as one will ever find on Liney Ditch. Grew up at So 2nd and Kaighn. The “River” was our playground. From the northern bank we looked across to the tarpaper shacks and put together homes. Many, if not all had “Victory Gardens out front/side. Spent many days playing on our side never venturing across. We used our side too to learn how to drive down the long stretches of road adjacent to the river. I believe these stetches were for train sidings in disrepair in my days 1945ish.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane.