Who invited this guy Arthur to Riverton’s Fourth? Everyone else is welcome to come, but send him on his way.
Arthur, of course, is the tropical storm that threatens to be a party spoiler, depending on the track it takes as it travels up the East coast Thursday into Friday.
There is no “rain date” for the parade, but the very thought that Riverton’s patriotic festivities might be in jeopardy gets people wondering.
When has the day ever been washed out? I don’t know.

One hundred years ago no one was worried about a tropical storm. All thoughts were on the great Independence Day Celebration that lie ahead as described in the July 4, 1914 Philadelphia Inquirer .
A 1914 July Fourth Program just donated to the HSR gives more details of the big day including sailing instructions, prizes, and a history of the Yacht Club.

For a closer look at the rare hundred-year-old document, click on this link for a higher resolution PDF file.
Even I have heard of Facebook, but the appeal of Pinterest has eluded me. Then I read that it has an estimated 70 million users.
So I signed us up with the help of my friend Mike Solin who hooked us up with new buttons on our webpage for Facebook, Pinterest, Email, and Print.
Speaking of pictures, here are some Riverton homes decorated for the Fourth.
We will post some more pix of the great day and invite readers to send us some July 4th photos, new or old.
In fact, the older the better.
See you on the Fourth. – John McCormick