Gaslight News – May 1989

  • Steamboating on the Delaware Program at May HSR meeting
  • Elections and by-laws
  • Second Annual Letters recognizing restoration and/or preservation work
  • Plaques awarded to 625 Main St., 416 Lippincott Ave., and the Porch Club
  • Riverton PRR Station lights purchased
  • Yesterday… News of past springs and summers
  • Proposed Changes to HSR Constitution and By-laws

Click here to view #054 Gaslight News May 1989

*A correction : The May-June Gaslight News, “Yesterday” feature erred… the first 2 items, Palmyra National Bank, and migrant school, should have been listed last, not first, as they were opened in 1920, not 1890!! Sorry about that…. bbh, ed.