Stone Harbor Yacht Club and Country Club in vintage postcards

It’s August and you see on Facebook all the fun your friends are having on vacations at the Jersey Shore. Before Facebook, folks turned to the pages of their hometown newspaper to check out their friends’ status.

One vacation spot favored by local residents in the early 1900s was Stone Harbor, a resort that, like Riverton, would also boast of a yacht club and a country club.

The Philadelphia Inquirer, 14 Aug 1949, p41-42. See the full article here.

Some Riverton sailors were drawn to Stone Harbor to compete in regattas and by all accounts, they had their share of successes.

This is a story of Stone Harbor Yacht Club and Country Club illustrated in vintage postcards.

All the Pleasures of Country and Seashore Combined
by Harlan B. Radford, Jr.

Greetings from Stone Harbor Scan – All the Pleasures of Country and Seashore Combined

To celebrate and recognize the first anniversary of the Stone Harbor Yacht Club, in 1912 the South Jersey Realty Company published a very special and colorful postcard expressing, “Greetings from Stone Harbor.”

It proudly announces two new amenities: the Stone Harbor Golf Clubhouse and the Stone Harbor Yacht Club and shrewdly but subtlety tempts the viewer by depicting several recreational opportunities offered at Stone Harbor.

A fish hawk’s nest atop a tall pole and a flagpole trimmed with the American Flag and the yacht club’s unique red and blue burgee frame the layout. Seven vignettes in the encircling rope boast of many activities offered at Stone Harbor including golfing, fishing, racing motor cars on the beach, yacht and a racing motorboat, sunbathing on the beach, and racing sailboats. A Wright Flyer biplane overflies the yacht club. Stone Harbor’s entrepreneurs saw the inclusion of these two facilities as critical to the growth of their enterprise and they were right!

Many shore vacationers today and indeed some Stone Harbor residents are probably unaware that during 1908-1909, the developers placed pilings and bulkheads to create more land for housing and other expansion and dredged the natural basin to enlarge and deepen Snug Harbor.

The Philadelphia Inquirer, 19 Aug 1910, p11

As a result, both boating and fishing activities increased significantly. In 1909, a group of boating enthusiasts formed the Stone Harbor Yacht Club (SHYC) and incorporated it in January 1910 to foster an interest in sailing and powerboating. Situated on the bay at the point where Snug Harbor basin and the Great Channel converged, it became the focal point for the fledgling resort.

The Philadelphia Inquirer, 03 Jul 1910, p11 The “big fight” referred to was likely the July 4, 1910, Johnson vs Jeffries “Fight of the Century.”

By early 1910, preparations were already underway to erect a handsome clubhouse on Snug Harbor Yacht Basin in the spring by the John Larsen Contracting Company.

It officially opened on July 4, 1910, and its success coincided with some other improvements to the resort including Stone Harbor Water Co., a new boardwalk, an electric plant, and a new hotel.

According to the Aug. 14, 1910, Philadelphia Inquirer, many yachtsmen pronounced the location, the waterfront, and the racing course “…the best on the Jersey coast,” and its bungalow-type clubhouse was reported to be “…the most artistic in build of any of the yacht clubs along the coast…”

The Philadelphia Inquirer, 28 Jul 1918, p18

Despite these early accolades, the SHYC encountered financial difficulties at the time of World War I owing to “…a great number of its men in the service, and those engaged in war work,” and, burdened by heavy debt, the club closed its doors in 1918 for several years.

A search of periodicals yielded no reports of regattas, dances, or events at SHYC for the years 1919-1927 and only one outboard race in 1928.

Courier-Post, Camden, NJ, 28 Jul 1929, p17

In 1929, on the threshold of the Great Depression, a new group of investors intervened, purchased the property, reorganized, and renovated the clubhouse.

The Philadelphia Inquirer, 21 Jul 1929, p62

They renamed it “The Yacht Club of Stone Harbor” (YCSH), the name used today, and opened for business with a regatta and a dance on August 3, 1929. Dancing in the Grand Ballroom and fine dining at the restaurant were popular mainstays of the club.

The following fifteen vintage postcards illustrate some milestones in the early history of Stone Harbor Yacht Club.

flag raising at the Stone Harbor Yacht Club on Memorial Day, 1910

A crowd of people assembled for the ceremonial flag raising at the Stone Harbor Yacht Club on Memorial Day, 1910.

A handsome visiting yacht… Memorial Day 1910

A handsome visiting yacht at the flag-raising and first annual reunion of the Stone Harbor Yacht Club on Memorial Day, 1910, Stone Harbor, N. J. One reference source indicated this yacht belonged to John Gilmore.

New $20,000 Stone Harbor Yacht Club

A colorful artist’s rendering of the proposed Stone Harbor Yacht Club.

Second annual rally of members and friends of the Stone Harbor Yacht Club… Memorial Day 1911

Second annual rally of members and friends of the Stone Harbor Yacht Club at Stone Harbor, Memorial Day, 1911. Officers are grouped to the left. Postmarked July 17, 1914.

The sender writes: “Dear Father, this is quite a large place. The channel at our back door is very pretty and there is always a strong, cool breeze. Your affec. daughter, Pearl”.

A view of the 85 St. yacht basin

A view of the Eighty-fifth Street yacht basin. Postmarked September 4, 1913. Later renamed the South Basin, it is the smallest one of a chain of seven beautiful artificial basins along the Great Channel at Stone Harbor.

Commodore James Thompson’s Albatross, flagship of the SHYC

Commodore James Thompson’s ‘Albatross,’ flagship of the Stone Harbor Yacht Club, located on Great Channel, Stone Harbor, N.J.

SHYC and basin with visiting racing craft Sand Burr and Vanish, Gala Week, July 1-5, 1911

Stone Harbor Yacht Club and basin with visiting racing craft during Gala Week, July 1 to 5, 1911. The two central launches are the famous “Sand Burr” and the “Vanish.”

SHYC, Stone Harbor, N.J.

Stone Harbor Yacht Club, Stone Harbor, N.J. captures both the front door and the overhanging porte-cochere passageway to let vehicles pass under for access to the clubhouse. Most other postcard images show the clubhouse with water in front from the more picturesque Snug Harbor perspective. This view was part of a very scarce folio, or souvenir folder, consisting of multiple early black and white views of Stone Harbor.

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One postcard postmarked on August 31, 1914, bears the following hand-written message: “This is a peach of a place. I’m picking out our lot today, tell Pa I’m staying with the Riters’ & having a very nice time. Paul.” Two of the images are examples of rare real photo postcards or RPPCs.

The Philadelphia Inquirer, 04 Jun 1911, p10

Stone Harbor Country Club was located on the mainland just minutes away from the town of Stone Harbor. These last four circa 1912-15 era postcards feature the Country Club that boasted having a 45-acre 9-hole golf course.

Stone Harbor Country Club located on the mainland

Here is a frontal view of the wooden shingle-sided Stone Harbor Country Club featuring a sizable open front porch.

Atop the tall pole immediately to the right of the clubhouse is a fish hawk’s nest. Such pole-mounted nests like this were rather common and visible throughout parts of the South Jersey seashore and the coastal waterway.

Enjoying a game of golf on the course of the Country Club

People enjoy a game of golf at the Country Club. The advent of the new trolley line between Stone Harbor and Cape May Court House made the Country Club especially convenient according to the caption on the back of this very old card.

The Country Club, Stone Harbor, NJ

In this view of the Country Club, we see several individuals relaxing and seated on the front steps and in the shade on the front porch. Once more, there’s that pole with the fish hawk’s nest.

The caption on the reverse side of this postcard promotes all the various sports activities that were available then, including golf, along with tennis, and even trapshooting.

Stone Harbor Country Cape May Court House

This full-color 1918 postmarked card depicts some very special occasion with a throng of well-dressed people and an abundance of American flags, possibly taken during the official opening of the Country Club or the much-celebrated Gala Week activities that took place in early July of 1911.

Both the Yacht Club and the Country Club figured in the early development and ongoing success of the community now referred to as “The Seashore At Its Best,” namely Stone Harbor!

We urge anyone with information, photos, mementos, etc. about Riverton sailors’ exploits that are 50 years old or more to contact us.

Save the Groves Mansion and grounds; Save the neighborhood

Groves Mansion, July 2021

This post is intended to update our recent article, “Groves Mansion status still undecided,” which appeared in the August 2021 Gaslight News. We advised our readers that we had made a case in June for the preservation of the deteriorating home and grounds in a letter to the Riverton Municipal Planning Board. The Planning Board also received in June a detailed six-page Borough Historian statement. 

The situation is still unresolved.

There has been no activity for two months since the first Planning Board hearing about the aim of JRB Properties to develop and subdivide the Frederick S. Groves Mansion at 409-413 Lippincott Avenue. No new documents have been posted on the Planning Board’s Agenda website.

As far as we know, the application is still scheduled to be heard by the Planning Board via Zoom next Tuesday 8/24 at 7:00 pm. As before, if the Board hears the case they will make time for public comment. We encourage you to do so. Here’s the link to join in: .”

2021-08-13 Ltr to PB from HSR re 409-411 Lippincott

The Historical Society of Riverton wishes to go on record again to state that we urge the Riverton Planning Board to advocate for the preservation of that historic home and resist any attempt to subdivide the property in a way that would result in the creation of two more homes being built on substandard lots.

Our fellow Historical Society of Riverton Board members have reviewed and approved the attached letter which was then signed by our president Bill Brown and filed with the Borough several days ago.

Fancy a swim III

RYC 3-mile swim medal, 1919, front and back

In keeping with our “Fancy a swim” theme, this screen capture from an eBay auction (that we didn’t win) shows a medal that the Riverton Yacht Club awarded for a 3-mile women’s swim in 1919.

According to the report in the August 8, 1919 issue of The New Era, “The women’s 3-mile race held by the Yacht Club last Saturday proved to be the greatest race of its kind ever held in the world.”

Despite the writer’s hyperbole, it must have been a pretty awesome event that will probably new be duplicated.

The Philadelphia Inquirer, March 6, 1919, p22

A firing of a cannon from the deck of Commodore R.M. Hollingshead‘s cruiser, a former coast patrol boat, signaled the start of the novel race. (Richard Milton Hollingshead, Sr. founded RM Hollingshead Corporation, and by 1920 it produced 98 Whiz brand automotive products. His son, Richard Hollingshead, Jr., later invented the drive-in movie in 1933. See more details in GN #164, Dec 2016.)

Thirty of the finest women swimmers from New York, Philadelphia, Edgewater Park, and of course, Riverton dove from the deck of the Keystone Yacht Club’s “Surprise” into the “rough and choppy” waters off of the Bridesburg pier and into the record books.

The Journal and Tribune, Knoxville, TN, Sep 4, 1921, p25

Ethelda Bliebtrey, a rising 17-year-old swimming star, won the race with a time of 44 minutes, 15 seconds.

Second place winner Eleanor Uhl that year went on to break Bleibtrey’s record with a time of 43:13 to win the 3-mile swim competition in 1920.

They both were members of the US Women’s Olympic Swim Team in 1920.

The Lake Geneva Regional News, Sept 14, 1922, p5

Billed in the newspapers of the day as an annual 3-mile swim, the Riverton Yacht Club held the event in at least 1918, 1919, 1920, and 1922.

We welcome more information about any particulars regarding Riverton’s 3-mile swim competitions.


Fancy a swim to Philly? II

Our previous post, “Fancy a swim to Philly?” described how Riverton youngsters proved their mettle back in the day by swimming across the Delaware River.

Maybe a knowledgeable sailor can report on today’s state of the Delaware River compared to a century ago, but swimming across now is probably ill-advised for several reasons.

Our dear former HSR Board member, Elsie Showell Waters, now passed, related the following story to Casey Foedisch who interviewed the Grand Marshal for the July Fourth Parade in 2013:

Elsie Showell Waters, 2013 Riverton July 4 Parade Marshal

When Elsie was twelve, she swam across the Delaware River, a rite of passage that all the kids simply “had to do.” Elsie learned to swim at age five in the river, and her love of swimming continued into her time at Palmyra High School. There, she was a member of the Swim Team, eventually becoming captain, as two of her sisters had been before her. She later taught swimming to children with cerebral palsy at Medford Leas, and spent many years with Bay Knight Ruff, another cousin, giving swim lessons to Riverton children. Elsie estimates that the two of them taught a third of the town to swim!

Elsie was truly remarkable and is missed by all.

Fancy a swim to Philly?

The New Era, Aug 12, 1921, p2


Do you fancy yourself a good swimmer? Imagine a time a full century ago and more when swimming across the Delaware River was a right of passage for Riverton youngsters.

Here are some more clippings from that era.


A new gallery of Ed Hartmann’s paintings


Back in March 2021, we introduced a tribute to local artists page. We just updated the section for Edward John Hartmann with 16 more examples of his work pulled from eBay auction pages.  Please contact us if you recognize the setting or subject of a painting or if you can account for the different styles and ways that paintings were signed.

July 3 at 3:49pm pix from Gary Weart

Gary Weart’s genuine affection for Riverton and its Glorious Fourth of July celebration is apparent in this next collection of photos. The moments captured in these phenomenal photos moved 365 people to view them on Facebook.

Asked what photo gear he used to produce these memorable images, Gary replied, ” IPhone XI. Have discarded the ole Nikon.”

That settles it – I might as well throw away my Sony Alpha. I can’t top these.

You can hear the exuberance in his remarks that accompanied Gary’s visual love letter to Riverton.

July 3 3:49pm
Highlights from the 124th Children’s Parade in Riverton, NJ. The weather cooperated and we had temperatures that were perfectly mild and even some unexpected sunshine. The South Philadelphia String Band is always a highlight and they were in full costume! Love the Scottish bagpipers, from the Philadelphia Emerald Society Pipe Band, too! Lots of runners before the parade and the route was lined with many folks happy to see the return of the festivities in “Main Street USA!” Enjoy! Happy Birthday America!


July 2 at 9:47pm pix from Gary Weart

Do you remember the apprehension we felt recently as dire weather forecasts threatened to cancel Riverton’s Independence Day celebrations for the second year in a row?

Listen to the hope in Gart Weart’s voice as he pleas for some divine intervention so that he can see the parade and festivities for which he has made another annual pilgrimage from his home in South Carolina.

His photos reached 624 people and the post elicited 67 likes, loves, and wows.

July 2, 2021 9:47pm
Waited out the heavy thunderstorm under a golf umbrella down by the Riverton Yacht Club. Got a little wet. However, just had that feeling that once the rain pushed through about sunset that the aftermath just might be special. Perseverance, patience, and a little previous experience paid off along with a little divine intervention indeed. Be still my humble and grateful heart. Now if we can just get that parade and all the other 4th of July festivities in with a little cooperation from Mother Nature! Stay tuned from “Main Street USA” in Riverton, NJ. Enjoy.

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July 2 at 6:41pm pix from Gary Weart

Gary Weart, a longtime friend of the HSR and a photographer with an uncommon perspective has again posted a gallery of photos on Facebook of pre-Independence Day Riverton and Palmyra sights.

Simply because FB posts can be hard to find again, we include Gary’s remarks and a screenshot showing some of the comments of other viewers. Reaching 444 people and earning 47 likes and loves, this is about as viral as we get here.

Thank you, Gary!

July 2, 2021 6:41pm
This morning’s walk along the Delaware River from Riverton to Palmyra. A few things caught my eye and brought back memories. More decorations for the 4th of July in these two special patriotic communities at the doorstep of liberty. What a blessing to have my formative years in this cradle of America’s birth and seeds of our independence. Salute!

We do love a puzzle… even incomplete ones

I have compared historical research to assembling pieces of a puzzle in these pages before.

Admittedly, it is a not-so-original comparison, but the metaphor works here since this is an investigation in which we worked out some of the edges of the topic after Bill and Nancy Steel allowed us to scan some remarkable photos from their family album.

That started us investigating the 1913 suffrage hike from New York City which culminated in an immense suffrage parade in Washington, D.C. timed to coincide with newly elected President Woodrow Wilson’s inauguration.

Two of the photos, in particular, Luncheon at Haines Pond and Col. Ida Kraft speaking at Bridgeboro, showed nearby locations and suggested that maybe some of Riverton’s very own members of the Porch Club’s Suffrage Committee might have participated in the event.

Using clues from the photo captions led to further delving into the Library of Congress website, our own online collection of old hometown newspapers, Porch Club records, and online newspaper archives to fill in some more pieces.

Our 2016 website post Family pix of 1913 suffrage trek to DC may have a local connection details the progress made on this still incomplete puzzle.

Our interest in returning to this puzzle was recently renewed when Jane Swersey, an independent scholar who is writing a paper on the topic, supplied us with this critical puzzle piece – a letter to suffragist Alice Paul from her brother, Parry Paul.

National Woman's Party Papers at Sewall-Belmont House (now the Belmont-Paul Women's Equality Center. It's dated February 20, 1913 and found on microfilm reel 1
1913 letter to Alice Paul from Parry Paul

It confirms that the route of the suffrage march did indeed pass through Riverton!

It is another tantalizing bit of circumstantial evidence that suggests the possibility that some Riverton women may have been involved in the march.

We will have to put this puzzle aside for a while and hope that some more pieces turn up. Perhaps another letter, a diary, a newspaper article, or some other such primary source will yet mention one of the names of Riverton women of that era below in connection with the 1913 Suffrage March.

Mrs. Rachel Foster Avery
Miss Annette Campbell
Miss Amelia Coale
Miss Edith Coale
Mrs. E. S. Cole
Mrs. Catherine B. Lippincott
Miss Helen Lippincott
Miss Elizabeth Lippincott
Mrs. Mary W. Lippincott
Miss Beulah Parry
Miss Susanna Parry
Mrs. Mary L. Thomas
Mrs. E. R. H. VanValin
Miss Elizabeth Williams
Mrs. D. Henry Wright

Lisa Hendrickson of Mt. Laurel’s Alice Paul Institute provided the above list of Riverton women for our 2019 post, Suffrage memorabilia needed for educational project.

Our hope is that some descendants of the women or another researcher will stumble across this post and provide another piece of this intriguing puzzle.